A Novel System on Efficient Matching, Decision Making and Distributing ()
The object matching and distribution problem is a traditional challenge in different kinds of networks, such as kidney distribution networks. Applying differential element analysis methods, decision tree, integer linear programming the-ory and stochastic processes ideas, we propose models for the objects matching, the distribu-tion network, the exchange system and the in-dividual decision-making strategy, and thor-oughly analyze the relationship between the matching rate and the waiting time, and their impacts on the efficiency of the donor-matching process. And as the experiments, we evaluate the algorithms and system by kidney matching, decision making and distribution problems on real world data.
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Liu, S. , Liu, Y. , Liu, C. , Zhao, C. , Luo, Y. and Wen, G. (2009) A Novel System on Efficient Matching, Decision Making and Distributing.
1, 51-62. doi:
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