In the
present work, elements concentration in fingernails samples of volunteers of
different ages (males, females) were determined using atomic absorption
spectroscopy (AAS) Perkin-Elmer, spectrophotometer. Fingernails samples of different
groups were analyzed to determine the trace elements Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu,
Co, Zn and Pb. Standards materials were prepared for concentration assessment
that adjacent to samples from two cities in different location in eastern province
of Sudan for elements concentrations finding. In addition, samples of hands
fingernails and toenails were analyzed for comparison and method validation.
Consequently, the significant levels of elements concentration in nails samples
of Jabiat residents compared to Port Sudan resident’s area due to soil
dispersion are supporting the possibility of external contamination. The data
of component matrix and rotated component matrix of varimax normalization using
principal component analysis revealed important predictors of nails elements
Mg, Mn, Fe, Cu and Zn concentrations in soil of both areas under study. However, the Pb, Ni, Ca, and Co are possible
to be indication of different sources associated with environmental
contamination. The significant correlation and principal component analysis of
the elements of nails concentrations in the two categories supported the
probability of different expose environmental contamination.