The Onset of Schizophrenia in Adolescence: Developments from a Structural and Clinical Point of View ()
In 1899, Kraepelin identified schizophrenia as early dementia. The precocity of the onset of schizophrenia may be verified in psychotic episodes in the clinic of adolescence, which this article explores both from the point of view of psychoanalytic theory, and from the point of view of its clinic, in particular regarding the transference of the psychotic adolescent. It departs from the importance of differential diagnosis in relation to neurosis, using the guidelines of Freud about the loss of reality, then studies the contributions of Lacan in relation to that which returns from the real when not included in the symbolic. Finally, it articulates the drive theory to identify the issue of jouissance in transference.
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S. Alberti, "The Onset of Schizophrenia in Adolescence: Developments from a Structural and Clinical Point of View,"
Open Journal of Medical Psychology, Vol. 3 No. 2, 2014, pp. 113-119. doi:
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