MHD Effect on an Oscillatory Mixed Convective Flow Past an Infinite Vertical Porous Plate with Radiation ()
A parametric study to investigate the effects of magnetic field and radiation on a mixed convective flow past an infinite vertical porous plate with constant suction velocity when the free stream varies periodically with time about a steady mean is presented. A uniform magnetic field is applied normal to the plate. The Rosseland approximation is used to describe the radiative heat flux in the energy equation and the resultant set of non-dimensional equations are solved analytically by adopting regular perturbation technique. The profiles of velocity, temperature, skin-friction and nusselt number are demonstrated graphically for various values of the parameters involved in the problem and the results are physically interpreted.
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Ahmed, N. and Sinha, S. (2013) MHD Effect on an Oscillatory Mixed Convective Flow Past an Infinite Vertical Porous Plate with Radiation.
Open Journal of Fluid Dynamics,
3, 271-277. doi:
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