Modern Mechanical Engineering

Volume 3, Issue 2 (May 2013)

ISSN Print: 2164-0165   ISSN Online: 2164-0181

Google-based Impact Factor: 1.11  Citations  

Semi-Automatic Modeling Technique of Torque Converter Flow Passage

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DOI: 10.4236/mme.2013.32009    4,458 Downloads   8,588 Views  Citations


The modeling technique of hydrodynamic torque converter flow passage was investigated. The semi-automatic modeling technique of torque converter flow passage was proposed. The flow passage model of each converter wheel is considered as a revolution entity sliced by two curved surfaces. In order to generate the revolution entity, a new approximation method, condition optimum arc approximation, was proposed. The method was used to approximate the meridional streamlines of the inner and outer wall. As a result, the three-dimensional revolution entity can be conveniently generated. In order to create slice surfaces, the central stream surface of flow passage was approximated with a quadric surface. The normal vector of the quadric surface and the thickness/thickness-function of bade were used to calculate the discrete point coordinates of blade surfaces. Via the rotation transformation to the coordinates, the discrete point coordinates of slice surfaces were obtained. A parameterized program code used for the hydrodynamic torque converter design and semi-automatic modeling was developed. Modeling errors were calculated and analyzed. The flow passage model was generated in several minutes with the help of the program code, Auto CAD and Solidworks software. Finally, the model was inputted into Gambit, and the pre-processing task used for the numerical simulation of torque converter flow field was successfully completed. The investigation results show that the semi-automatic modeling not only can ensure the accuracy of modeling, but also librates the research and design workers of torque converter from the time-consuming modeling work, which paves the way for the numerical simulation of the complex flow field of the hydrodynamic torque converter.

Share and Cite:

Liu, S. and Zheng, S. (2013) Semi-Automatic Modeling Technique of Torque Converter Flow Passage. Modern Mechanical Engineering, 3, 59-68. doi: 10.4236/mme.2013.32009.

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[1] 建模在氯化法生产钛白中的应用
云南冶金, 2016
[2] Rhetorical Analysis
C Andros -, 2014

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