Applied Mathematics

Volume 4, Issue 4 (April 2013)

ISSN Print: 2152-7385   ISSN Online: 2152-7393

Google-based Impact Factor: 0.96  Citations  

The Distances in the Stable Systems Due to the Virial Theorem

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DOI: 10.4236/am.2013.44094    5,648 Downloads   7,740 Views  Citations


The virial theorem is written by using the canonical equations of motion in classical mechanics. A moving particle with an initial speed in an n-particle system is considered. The distance of the moving particle from the origin of the system to the final position is derived as a function of the kinetic energy of the particle. It is thought that the considered particle would not collide with other particles in the system. The relation between the final and initial distance of the particle from the origin of the system is given by a single equation.

Share and Cite:

Arslan, H. (2013) The Distances in the Stable Systems Due to the Virial Theorem. Applied Mathematics, 4, 688-689. doi: 10.4236/am.2013.44094.

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