American Journal of Plant Sciences

Volume 4, Issue 3 (March 2013)

ISSN Print: 2158-2742   ISSN Online: 2158-2750

Google-based Impact Factor: 1.57  Citations  

Pinus taeda cDNA Microarray as a Tool for Candidate Gene Identification for Local Red/Far-Red Light Adaptive Response in Pinus sylvestris

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DOI: 10.4236/ajps.2013.43061    4,441 Downloads   7,539 Views  Citations


Light quality response is a vital environmental cue regulating plant development. Conifers, like angiosperms, respond to the changes in light quality including the level of red (R) and far-red (FR) light, which follows a latitudinal cline. R and FR wavelengths form a significant component of the entire plant life cycle, including the initial developmental stages such as seed germination, cotyledon expansion and hypocotyl elongation. With an aim to identify differentially expressed candidate genes, which would provide a clue regarding genes involved in the local adaptive response in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) with reference to red/far-red light; we performed a global expression analysis of Scots pine hypocotyls grown under two light treatments, continuous R (cR) and continuous FR (cFR) light; using Pinus taeda cDNA microarrays on bulked hypocotyl tissues from different individuals, which represented different genotypes. This experiment was performed with the seeds collected from northern part of Sweden (Ylinen, 68?N). Interestingly, gene expression pattern with reference to cryptochrome1, a blue light photoreceptor, was relatively high under cFR as compared to cR light treatment. Additionally, the microarray data analysis also revealed expression of 405 genes which was enhanced under cR light treatment; while the expression of 239 genes was enhanced under the cFR light treatment. Differentially expressed genes were re-annotated using Blast2GO tool. These results indicated that cR light acts as promoting factor whereas cFR antagonises the effect in most of the processes like C/N metabolism, photosynthesis and cell wall metabolism which is in accordance with former findings in Arabidopsis. We propose cryptochrome1 as a strong candidate gene to study the adaptive cline response under R and FR light in Scots pine as it shows a differential expression under the two light conditions.

Share and Cite:

Ranade, S. , Abrahamsson, S. , Niemi, J. and García-Gil, M. (2013) Pinus taeda cDNA Microarray as a Tool for Candidate Gene Identification for Local Red/Far-Red Light Adaptive Response in Pinus sylvestris. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 4, 479-493. doi: 10.4236/ajps.2013.43061.

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