Requirements Analysis and Arabic M-Learning Activities Module Design in the Institute of Teacher Education (ITE) in Malaysia ()
This study is aimed to identify the student needs for Arabic M-learning modules in Institute of Teacher Education (ITE) in Malaysia. The sample comprises 150 respondents, 120 respondents were among the Bachelor of Teaching Program students (Majoring in Arabic and Islamic Studies) and 30 respondents were the Arabic lecturers from the Institute of Teacher Education in Malaysia. The instrument used was a refurbished questionnaire from the M-Learning Curriculum Requirements (Ahmad Sobri, 2009). The findings presented the selection of mobile computing technology as the main equipment in the application of Arabic m-learning in the ITE, website platform as its operation and email communications are more dominant compared to SMS and MMS. Similarly, the pattern of appropriate learning activities is included in the M-learning which focused on activities that in line with the use of mobile computer technology.
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Dahaman, A. , Ismail, Z. & Fabil, N. (2012). Requirements Analysis and Arabic M-Learning Activities Module Design in the Institute of Teacher Education (ITE) in Malaysia. Creative Education, 3, 57-60. doi: 10.4236/ce.2012.38B013.