Integrating Origin-Destination Survey and Stochastic User Equilibrium: A Case Study for Route Relocation ()
The paper analyses integrating origin-destination (O-D) survey results with stochastic user equilibrium (SUE) in traffic assignment. The two methods are widely used in transportation planning but their applications have not yet fully integrated. While O-D gives a generalized trip patterns, purpose and characteristics, SUE provides optimal trip distributions using the characteristics found in O-D survey. The paper utilized O-D and SUE in route relocation study for the town of Coamo in Puerto Rico. The O-D survey was used initially in studying possible trip distribution and assignment for the new route. Initial distribution and assignment of traffic to the existing roadway networks and the proposed route were allocated utilizing the O-D survey findings. The SUE was then used to optimize the assignments considering roadway characteristics such as number of lanes, capacity limits, free flow speed, signal spacing density, travel time and gasoline cost. The travel time was optimized through the Bureau of Public Roads (BPR) equation found in 2000 HCM. The optimal trips found from the SUE were then used to propose the final alignment of the new route. Traffic assignment from the SUE was slightly different from those initially assigned using O-D, indicating there was optimization. The assignment on new route was increased by 13.8% from the one assigned using O-D while assignment on the existing link was reduced by 22%.
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D. Chimba, D. Emaasit and B. Kutela, "Integrating Origin-Destination Survey and Stochastic User Equilibrium: A Case Study for Route Relocation,"
Journal of Transportation Technologies, Vol. 2 No. 4, 2012, pp. 297-304. doi: