International Journal of Communications, Network and System Sciences

Volume 5, Issue 5 (May 2012)

ISSN Print: 1913-3715   ISSN Online: 1913-3723

Google-based Impact Factor: 1.39  Citations  

Advanced Transition/Cluster Key Management Scheme for End-System Multicast Protocol

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DOI: 10.4236/ijcns.2012.55038    6,573 Downloads   9,221 Views  


The recent growth of the World Wide Web has sparked new research into using the Internet for novel types of group communication, like multiparty videoconferencing and real-time streaming. Multicast has the potential to be very useful, but it suffers from many problems like security. To achieve secure multicast communications with the dynamic aspect of group applications due to free membership joins and leaves in addition to member's mobility, key management is one of the most critical problems. So far, a lot of multicast key management schemes have been proposed and most of them are centralized, which have the problem of "one point failure" and that the group controller is the bottleneck of the group. In order to solve these two problems, we propose a Key Management Scheme, using cluster-based End-System Multicast (ESM). The group management is between both 1) the main controller (MRP, Main Rendezvous Point) and the second controllers (CRP, Cluster RP), and 2) the second controllers (CRPs) and its members. So, ESM simplifies the implementation of group communication and is efficient ways to deliver a secure message to a group of recipients in a network as a practical alternative to overcome the difficulty of large scale deployment of traditional IP multicast. In this paper, we analyze different key management schemes and propose a new scheme, namely Advanced Transition/Cluster Key management Scheme (ATCKS) and find it has appropriate performance in security.

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A. El-Sayed, "Advanced Transition/Cluster Key Management Scheme for End-System Multicast Protocol," International Journal of Communications, Network and System Sciences, Vol. 5 No. 5, 2012, pp. 286-297. doi: 10.4236/ijcns.2012.55038.

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