Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering

Volume 3, Issue 4 (April 2010)

ISSN Print: 1937-6871   ISSN Online: 1937-688X

Google-based Impact Factor: 1.68  Citations  

The opinion and experience of surgeons with laparoscopic bowel grasper haptics

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DOI: 10.4236/jbise.2010.34058    5,854 Downloads   10,339 Views  Citations




Background: In order to develop new and better laparoscopic bowel instruments, which reduces patient risks, the opinions and experience that surgeons have with current laparoscopic bowel grasper haptics is important. In this study we explored this by means of a questionnaire. Method: A total of 386 online- questionnaires, were sent to laparoscopic surgeons working in European hospitals. They were all members of the European Association of Endoscopic Surgery and perform laparoscopic obesities or bowel surgery. Surgeons where divided into different age and experience groups. Results: A total of 174 completely filled out forms were analyzed. In total, 16% of the surgeons cannot prevent damage when they pinch too hard, although they (10%) might have seen or felt it. Seven percent of the respondents were not able to see or feel tissue slippage. Whereas 31% can see or feel slippage they cannot do anything to prevent it. Overall, most of the respondents would appreciate technical changes in the laparoscopic bowel graspers to reduce tissue damage. Of all the respondents, 79% maintain that it is necessary to have a new laparoscopic grasper with augmented feedback. The majority of the respondents (77%) would like to have tactile feedback as an indication of the level of pinch force. There are not many differences in the opinions of surgeons at different skill levels. Conclusion: From the results of the questionnaire and the other comments made by respondents it is evident that research and developments in the field of new laparoscopic graspers should continue.

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Putten, E. , Berben, M. , Goossens, R. , Jakimowicz, J. and Dankelman, J. (2010) The opinion and experience of surgeons with laparoscopic bowel grasper haptics. Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering, 3, 422-429. doi: 10.4236/jbise.2010.34058.

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