Research on the Contribution of Business Model Innovation to Sustainable Competitive Advantage of Enterprises ()
This study analyzes and discusses the contribution of business model innovation to the sustainable competitive advantage of enterprises. The research first reviews the theoretical foundations of business model innovation, including value creation theory, dynamic capabilities theory, and strategic innovation theory. Through comparative analysis, the study finds that business model innovation can enhance a firm’s competitive advantage by reconstructing value propositions, optimizing value networks, and innovating value capture mechanisms. The research pays special attention to business model innovation in the digital context, such as platform models and sharing economy models, analyzing their advantages in creating network effects and improving resource utilization efficiency. However, the study also points out the theoretical challenges faced by business model innovation, such as sustainability issues and imitation risks. In response to these challenges, the study proposes a theoretical framework for dynamic business model innovation, emphasizing the importance of continuous innovation and adaptability. Finally, the study explores the theoretical connections between business model innovation and technological innovation, organizational learning, providing directions for future research.
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An, X. (2024). Research on the Contribution of Business Model Innovation to Sustainable Competitive Advantage of Enterprises.
American Journal of Industrial and Business Management,
14, 1454-1464. doi:
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