Power Distance and Uncertainty Avoidance on Change Strategies: A Small-Scale Interview Study in Chinese Higher Education Context ()
With the implementation of the continuous educational reform since 2001 and the educational decentralization, Chinese schools have been empowered with more autonomy in leading and managing changes in schools. However, the literature in this area remains sparse since the previously inaccessible literature on changes in Chinese higher education. The purpose of this study is to explore how culture issues affect the change strategies in learning organisations by employed extensive literature review with qualitative interviews of four deans who had responded the implementation of change in schools. The findings mainly revealed that cultural factors are highly important for change process, which have either positive or negative influences on the functioning of implementation.
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Shan, Y. (2024) Power Distance and Uncertainty Avoidance on Change Strategies: A Small-Scale Interview Study in Chinese Higher Education Context.
Sociology Mind,
14, 312-324. doi:
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