Open Journal of Modern Linguistics

Volume 14, Issue 3 (June 2024)

ISSN Print: 2164-2818   ISSN Online: 2164-2834

Google-based Impact Factor: 1.41  Citations  

The Impact of Cultural Intelligence on English Language Teaching, Learning, and Assessment in Saudi Universities

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DOI: 10.4236/ojml.2024.143023    105 Downloads   513 Views  


English proficiency is crucial for Saudi Arabian students due to its global importance and Vision 2030’s emphasis on a knowledge-based economy. However, traditional teaching methods often disregard the role of cultural intelligence (CQ) in effective language learning and assessment. This paper explores the impact of CQ on English language teaching, learning, and evaluation in Saudi universities. Secondary data was collected from peer-reviewed journals on the topic. Forty-three secondary sources were collected from reputable academic databases like Scopus and Google Scholar. Inductive and deductive analysis was conducted to identify the main themes emerging from the managed scholarly resources. Findings revealed a moderate level of CQ among students and instructors, with metacognition, behavioral, interpersonal, and cultural knowledge impacting English language teaching and learning. A significant positive correlation was found between CQ and English language proficiency, indicating that higher CQ students performed better in language acquisition. Teachers with higher CQ were found to employ more culturally sensitive pedagogies and assessment methods, increasing student engagement and learning satisfaction. The findings show CQ is integral to English language teaching, learning, and evaluation in Saudi universities. Incorporating CQ-based pedagogies and assessment practices can significantly improve learning outcomes, enhance student motivation, and foster intercultural understanding. Insights from this study recommend integrating CQ awareness training for instructors and developing culturally appropriate curriculum and assessment tools to optimize English language learning in Saudi Arabia.

Share and Cite:

Aljuaid, H. (2024) The Impact of Cultural Intelligence on English Language Teaching, Learning, and Assessment in Saudi Universities. Open Journal of Modern Linguistics, 14, 425-461. doi: 10.4236/ojml.2024.143023.

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