Frequentist and Bayesian Sample Size Determination for Single-Arm Clinical Trials Based on a Binary Response Variable: A Shiny App to Implement Exact Methods ()
Sample size determination typically relies on a power
analysis based on a frequentist conditional approach. This latter can be seen
as a particular case of the two-priors approach, which allows to build four distinct power functions to select the optimal
sample size. We revise this approach when the focus is on testing a single
binomial proportion. We consider exact methods and introduce a conservative
criterion to account for the typical non-monotonic behavior of the power
functions, when dealing with discrete data. The main purpose of this paper is
to present a Shiny App providing a
user-friendly, interactive tool to apply these criteria. The app also provides
specific tools to elicit the analysis and the design prior
distributions, which are the core of the two-priors approach.
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Gentile, S. and Sambucini, V. (2024) Frequentist and Bayesian Sample Size Determination for Single-Arm Clinical Trials Based on a Binary Response Variable: A Shiny App to Implement Exact Methods.
Open Journal of Statistics,
14, 90-105. doi:
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