The Evolution of Landscape Layout Concept of Lingnan Taoist Zuting Temples in the Qing Dynasty ()
The replacement
of Lingnan Taoist Zuting Temples from Lingbao Sect to Quanzhen Sect in the Qing
Dynasty has led to the change of the layout of Taoist temples on Luofu
Mountain. Through literature review, field research, image comparison and other
research methods, the paper explores how the layout of the Taoist temples on
Luofu Mountain evolved from the Four Taoist Temples in the Gehong period to the
Five Taoist Temples in the Qing Dynasty under the influence of different Taoist
ideologies, aiming to explore the cultural implications of the evolution of the
layout of Lingnan Taoism Zuting Temple in the Qing Dynasty.
Share and Cite:
Lin, C. (2023) The Evolution of Landscape Layout Concept of Lingnan Taoist Zuting Temples in the Qing Dynasty.
Natural Resources,
14, 121-133. doi:
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