Journal of Cancer Therapy

Volume 14, Issue 8 (August 2023)

ISSN Print: 2151-1934   ISSN Online: 2151-1942

Google-based Impact Factor: 0.35  Citations  

Evaluation of 3D-CRT and VMAT Radiotherapy Plans for Left Breast Cancer with Regional Lymph Nodes Irradiation

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DOI: 10.4236/jct.2023.148028    135 Downloads   965 Views  


Introduction: Radiation therapy after breast surgery is an integral part of the treatment of early breast cancer. The goal of radiation therapy is to achieve the best possible coverage of the planning target volume (PTV), while reducing the dose to organs at risk (OARs) which are normal tissues whose sensitivity to irradiation could cause damage that can lead to modification of the treatment plan. In the last decade, radiation oncologist started to use the Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) and Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) for irradiating the breast, in order to achieve better dose distribution and target dose to the PTV and OAR. The aim of this study is to compare 2 external radiotherapy techniques (VMAT vs 3D) for patients with node-positive left breast cancer. Patients and Methods: We randomly selected 10 cases of postoperative radiotherapy for breast cancer in our hospital. The patients are all female, the average age was 45.4 years old, and the primary lesions are left breast. The ANOVA test was used to compare the mean difference between subgroups, and the p value < 0.05 was considered significant. Results: Dose volume histogram (DVH) was used to analyze each evaluation dose of clinical target volume (CTV) and organs at risk (OARs). Compared to 3DCRT plans, VMAT provided more uniform coverage to the breast and regional lymph nodes. The max point dose for tVMAT was lower on average (106.4% for VMAT versus 109% for 3DCRT). OAR sparing was improved with tVMAT, with a lower average V17Gy for the left lung (27.91% for VMAT versus 30.04% for 3DCRT, p < 0.3), and lower for V28Gy (13.75% for VMAT versus 22.34% for 3DCRT, p = 0.01). We also found a lower V35Gy for the heart on VMAT plan (p = 0.02). On the contrary, dose of contralateral breast was lower in 3DCRT than VMAT (0.59 Gy vs 3.65 Gy, p = 0.00). Conclusion: The both types of plans can meet the clinical dosimetry demands of postoperative radiotherapy for left breast cancer. The VMAT plan has a better conformity, but 3CDRT can provide a lower dose to the contralateral organs (breast and lung) to avoid the risk of secondary cancers.

Share and Cite:

Benmessaoud, H., Bouhia, H., Ahmut, H., El Majjaoui, S., El Kacemi, H., Hassouni, K. and Kebdani, T. (2023) Evaluation of 3D-CRT and VMAT Radiotherapy Plans for Left Breast Cancer with Regional Lymph Nodes Irradiation. Journal of Cancer Therapy, 14, 345-352.

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