What Is the Difference between Post- and Pre-Dilution in On-Line Haemodiafiltration in the Removing of Median-Molecular-Weight Toxins? ()
Introduction: β2-microglobulin and prolactin are medium-molecular-weight toxins. We believe that the rate of removal of these molecules, using filters with two different surfaces, in post- and pre-dilution haemodiafiltration, will be of interest to the literature. Methods: We studied, in 12 haemodialyzed patients, the removal of those, with filter with surface of 2.5 m2 (Group A) or 2.1 m2 (Group B) with post-dilution haemodiafiltration, and with a filter with surface 2.5 m2 with pre-dilution (Group C). Results: Satisfactory removal of β2-microglobulin (best with post-dilution) was found, and a good rate of removal of prolactin without the filter surface played a role in both cases. Conclusion: The elimination of β2-microglobulin in post-dilution is not affected by the filter surface area. Pre-dilution achieves removal of β2-microglobulin, less than that of post-dilution. Prolactin was removed satisfactorily regardless of the filter surface in post-dilution, and its removal appears to be less than that of β2-microglobulin.
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Mavromatidis, K. , Kalogiannidou, I. and Passadakis, P. (2023) What Is the Difference between Post- and Pre-Dilution in On-Line Haemodiafiltration in the Removing of Median-Molecular-Weight Toxins?.
Journal of Biosciences and Medicines,
11, 105-119. doi:
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