This paper attempts to express the Boltzmann and the Bohr magneton constants with nucleotide bases (A T, G, C and U) as regards to Quantum Perspective Model. At first, if you take the exact value of Boltzmann and the Bohr magneton constants after the comma, you can convert this decimal base numbers to binary number base system. Secondly, after converting process of this numbers, you should sequence this numbers as decimal number base system again. Thirdly, sum this decimal base numbers respectively. Fourthly, total adding processes correspond to genetic codes [Adenine (A), Thymine (T) Guanine (G), Cytosine (C) and Uracil (U)]. Fifthly, the result explanations of Boltzmann and the Bohr magneton constants can be defined like this: [as the Boltzmann constant equals to Guanine (G): 78 and the Bohr magneton approximately equals to “66” Thymine (T)]. Sixthly, the dual explanation of Einstein’s mass energy equivalence can be stemmed from Quantum Superposition, since the Einstein’s mass energy equivalence can be sequenced as both “GAUCUAUCAAUC” and “GAUCUAUCTAUC” too. Seventhly, approximately the total atomic weight of nucleotide bases (A T, G, C and U) can be also expressed as the value of “Kelvin” temperature. Eighthly, let alone this result, the calculated total atomic weight of proton, neutron and electron also can be expressed as nucleotide bases (A T, G, C and U) “CTAGATATTTAGATAT”. Lastly, the NCBI (The National Center for Biotechnology Information) search results of this sequences are very interesting model organism consequence just like as “Drosophila albomicans” (Fruit Fly) which is also very similar genetic genes to human genes. As a result, the expression of Boltzmann and the Bohr magneton constants with genetic codes reach meaningful consequences to shed lights on novel research method between Quantum Physics and Biochemistry.