An Empirical Study of Relationship between Forms of Note-Taking and Interpreting Quality in C-E Consecutive Interpreting: A Case Study of Student Interpreters at Inner Mongolia University ()
This study explores the relationship between forms of note-taking and interpreting quality in C-E consecutive interpreting. 12 students majoring in MTI interpreting at Inner Mongolia University are asked to interpret a diplomatic speech in the way of C-E consecutive interpretation and write down their notes on 5 pieces of A4 paper. The results indicate that there is a significant positive correlation between incomplete Chinese characters, symbols, and interpretation quality. Incomplete Chinese characters and symbols that can improve interpretation quality are those easy to stimulate association to activate the interpreter’s memory that have fewer strokes and are easy to write, which can reduce the student interpreters' energy allocation when taking notes and reading notes. Therefore, student interpreters can devote more energy to listening analysis and language conversion so as to improve their interpretation quality. Based on the above research results, pedagogical implications are discussed to help students achieve better command of note-taking.
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Wang, J. and Wu, Z. (2022) An Empirical Study of Relationship between Forms of Note-Taking and Interpreting Quality in C-E Consecutive Interpreting: A Case Study of Student Interpreters at Inner Mongolia University.
Open Journal of Modern Linguistics,
12, 668-680. doi:
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