On Exploration and Practice of Blended Teaching Design of Morality Cultivation in College English Course Instruction ()
The effective coupling of morality education and all courses is a new challenge for college education in the new era. Promoting comprehensively the morality construction of the curriculum is a strategic measure for colleges to implement morality cultivation among students. Under the guidance of Deeper Learning Cycle, and based on the course feature, the current paper, taking the case teaching Leadership as an example, presents the blended teaching design of morality cultivation in college English course instruction through the following steps: setting moral-related teaching objectives, restructuring teaching content to implement moral education, and deep-learning based integration of implicit morality cultivation into the explicit language teaching, hoping to provide some suggestions and reference for the innovation and development of morality cultivation in course instruction.
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Gu, F. (2022) On Exploration and Practice of Blended Teaching Design of Morality Cultivation in College English Course Instruction.
Open Access Library Journal,
9, 1-12. doi:
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