Changes in the Attributes of “Skill” Symbols of Dance under the Development of Market-Oriented Economy ()
As dance is an integral part of the market development in the era of market-oriented
economy, the expansion of audience population for dancing and the refinement of
audiences’ tastes thanks to the popularity of various TV shows focusing on
dance competitions and re-defines the expression “skills”. It is no longer limited to refer to
the superb skills of dancers, instead, it has the attributes of symbols and
both functions of “signifier” and “signified”. It refers to combinations of
visible movements, invisible choreographic skills, the ability of dancers and choreographers, and stage design skills that internalizes
and directs the said visible movements, and prospers in the
market-oriented economy development following the mainstream aesthetic. The
development of “skills” itself could produce economic benefits, and the
discussion of the development of symbolic attributes of “skills” in the current
market-oriented economy shall be made first based on the analysis of their attributes and then on their symbolic attributes
in the market-oriented economy.
Share and Cite:
Liu, Y. (2022) Changes in the Attributes of “Skill” Symbols of Dance under the Development of Market-Oriented Economy.
Art and Design Review,
10, 411-417. doi:
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