Surgical Science

Volume 13, Issue 3 (March 2022)

ISSN Print: 2157-9407   ISSN Online: 2157-9415

Google-based Impact Factor: 0.26  Citations  

Fascist Leg Necrosis at the Bocar Sidi Sall University Hospital (BSS) in Kati (Mali)

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DOI: 10.4236/ss.2022.133016    142 Downloads   860 Views  


Necrotizing fasciitis is a bacterial dermo-hypodermitis of necrotizing type with involvement of the superficial fascia of the muscles. We report the case of a 50-year-old patient with necrotizing fasciitis of the left leg following erysipelas. Clinical Case: A 50-year-old patient, received at the emergency department for necrotizing wound of the left leg, evolving for 25 days. The examination of the patient made it possible to find: an alteration of the general condition with a WHO score classified stage II. A necrotizing wound of the lower 2/3 of the left leg and the dorsal side of the left foot allowing pus to flow in places, the pedious pulse was well perceived, lymphadenopathy at the root of the homolateral thigh. The complete blood count made it possible to objectify a predominantly neutrophil hyperleukocytosis greater than 10,000/mm3. We first carried out a complete debridement of the necrotic tissues, in a second time we took the patient back to do the autocutaneous graft. The surgical follow-up was simple. Conclusion: Necrotizing fasciitis is a serious infection, management is multidisciplinary.

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Diarra, A. , Koné, A. , Traoré, A. , Kéïta, K. , Tounkara, I. , Traoré, I. , Traoré, O. , Karembé, B. , Konaté, M. , Coulibaly, O. , Togola, M. , Diallo, D. , Traoré, A. , Dembélé, B. , Diakité, I. and Togo, A. (2022) Fascist Leg Necrosis at the Bocar Sidi Sall University Hospital (BSS) in Kati (Mali). Surgical Science, 13, 119-123. doi: 10.4236/ss.2022.133016.

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