Household Breeding of Sheep in the City of Korhogo: Characteristics of the Populations at the Origin of This New Practice ()
Sheep farming has become an important activity in the north of Côte
d'Ivoire, particularly, in the city of Korhogo. However, no study has yet
focused on the actors of this practice in the city of Korhogo. The objective of
this study was to determine the demographic characteristics of sheep breeders
in the city of Korhogo as well as their motivation sources for this practice.
Thus, a survey was conducted in the town of Korhogo on sheep breeders who had
more than 5 animals. It was found that this activity is carried out mainly by
Sénoufo and Malinké of Ivorian nationality. The age range of the population
interested in this type of farming is between 31 and 80 years old, with 86% of
men. Few of these farms have existed for more than 10 years. Traders and civil servants
are the main actors. They are motivated not only by love and passion but also by the need to support their families.
Share and Cite:
Dagnogo, F. (2022) Household Breeding of Sheep in the City of Korhogo: Characteristics of the Populations at the Origin of This New Practice.
Advances in Applied Sociology,
12, 1-10. doi:
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