Special Trilinear Functions with Few Applications ()
Special bilinear functions (SBF) proved to be applicable in many situations and for a good number of problems. Hence it is important to generalize them to a higher degree by expanding previous work. In the beginning, we give a quick review of SBF [or quacroms of second degree and dimension 2 x n]; then we give a few applications based on previously published research concentrating on their use in evaluating some special functions and where we present the evaluation of Chebyshev polynomials as a new work. Following that, we define special trilinear functions (STF) of three n-tuples vectors, which are the generalization of SBF. Finally, a few applications, such as taking the product of three polynomials of degree n, are given stressing the fact that the process of taking the product of three integers using STF techniques, practically, takes place in a very efficient way and with no mentioned effort. A short discussion on the future of the subject constitutes the conclusion of our article.
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Juroud, A. , Sharif, B. and Awin, A. (2021) Special Trilinear Functions with Few Applications.
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics,
9, 2698-2705. doi: