Lumbar Artery Pseudo-Aneurysm after Spinal Trauma and Transpedicular Fixation: A Case Report ()
Introduction: A case of lumbar artery pseudo-aneurysm after surgery for lumbar vertebra burst fracture is presented. Only two cases secondary to spinal trauma and revealed after surgery have been described in the literature. A review of literature was conducted and a possible relationship with burst fracture or reduction maneuvers was discussed. Case Presentation: Here, we report a post traumatic lumbar burst facture with incomplete motor deficit of lower limbs after a fall. Surgical reduction and stabilization via posterior approach were performed. Post-operatively, a hemorrhage through surgical wound had been noticed. Pseudo-aneurysm of the lumbar artery at L3 level was diagnosed and embolisation was performed. Conclusion: This is a rare case of pseudo-aneurysm occurring in the setting of surgical stabilisation after a trauma. It was revealed by a hemorrhage discovered as a late complication. We should be aware of such potential complication as a delayed post surgery event in order to adapt the care.
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Tokpo, A. , Mpambia, G. , Lakhdar, F. , Ali, H. , Hmamouche, O. , Benzagmout, M. , Chakour, K. and Chaoui, M. (2021) Lumbar Artery Pseudo-Aneurysm after Spinal Trauma and Transpedicular Fixation: A Case Report.
Open Journal of Modern Neurosurgery,
11, 65-72. doi: