Open Journal of Emergency Medicine

Volume 8, Issue 4 (December 2020)

ISSN Print: 2332-1806   ISSN Online: 2332-1814

Google-based Impact Factor: 0.5  Citations  

Acute Generalized Peritonitis in Intensive Care Unit at University Hospital of Brazzaville, Republic of Congo: Etiological, Therapeutic Aspects and Issues

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DOI: 10.4236/ojem.2020.84010    334 Downloads   1,486 Views  Citations


Aim: To determine etiological, therapeutic aspects and issues of AGP in intensive care unit (ICU) at University Hospital of Brazzaville (UHB). Materials and Methods: It was a retrospective and descriptive study carried out from January to December 2016 in ICU at UHB. We collected completed medical records of patients admitted and operated for AGP regardless of age or sex. The parameters studied were age, sex, admission’s reasons, etiologies, management, post-operative complications, length of hospital and mortality. Data were treated in Excel 2010 and Epi info 2007. Results: Thirty-one complete medical records were identified (mean age: 40.6 ± 22.0 years). The sex ratio was 2.4. Shock was the most common reason for admission with 67.7% of the cases. The etiologies of AGP were dominated by gastroduodenal perforating ulcer (41.9%) followed by complicated appendicitis (19.4%). The management of all patients was medico-surgical. The bi antibiotic ceftriaxone-metronidazole was administered in 29 patients (93.6%). 18 patients (59.1%) received vasopressor therapy. The complications had occurred among 9 patients i.e. 29% of the cases; parietal suppurations represented 44.5% of the complications. The average length of hospitalization was 5.2 ± 4.6 days. The overall mortality was 41.9%. Conclusion: In our study, the most frequent etiologies were gastroduodenal perforating ulcer and complicated appendicitis. They affected young patients. The complications were dominated by parietal suppurations. The mortality rate was high.

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Monkessa, C. , Leyono-Mawandza, P. , Elombila, M. , Outsouta, G. , Ngala, M. , Ngono, G. and Otiobanda, G. (2020) Acute Generalized Peritonitis in Intensive Care Unit at University Hospital of Brazzaville, Republic of Congo: Etiological, Therapeutic Aspects and Issues. Open Journal of Emergency Medicine, 8, 86-94. doi: 10.4236/ojem.2020.84010.

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