Advances in Materials Physics and Chemistry

Volume 10, Issue 10 (October 2020)

ISSN Print: 2162-531X   ISSN Online: 2162-5328

Google-based Impact Factor: 0.63  Citations  

Peierls Structural Transition in Q1D Organic Crystals of TTT2I3 for Different Values of Carrier Concentration

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DOI: 10.4236/ampc.2020.1010018    330 Downloads   845 Views  


The Peierls structural transition in the TTT2I3 (tetrathiotetracene-iodide) crystal, for different values of carrier concentration is studied in 3D approximation. A crystal physical model is applied that considers two of the most important hole-phonon interactions. The first interaction describes the deformation potential and the second one is of polaron type. In the presented physical model, the interaction of carriers with the structural defects is taken into account. This is crucial for the explanation of the transition. The renormalized phonon spectrum is calculated in the random phase approximation for different temperatures applying the method of Green functions. The renormalized phonon frequencies for different temperatures are presented in two cases. In the first case the interaction between TTT chains is neglected. In the second one, this interaction is taken into account. Computer simulations for the 3D physical model of the TTT2I3 crystal are performed for different values of dimensionless Fermi momentum kF, that is determined by variation of carrier concentration. It is shown that the transition is of Peierls type and strongly depends on iodine concentration. Finally, the Peierls critical temperature was determined.

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Andronic, S. and Casian, A. (2020) Peierls Structural Transition in Q1D Organic Crystals of TTT2I3 for Different Values of Carrier Concentration. Advances in Materials Physics and Chemistry, 10, 239-251. doi: 10.4236/ampc.2020.1010018.

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