Evolution and Yoga. Hypothesis: From Reptilian to Intuitional Brain ()
It is amply accepted that biological evolution is
centered in gradual phenotypic and genetic changes of living populations
through the time. The issue of human existence has worried the man
since immemorial time. The intriguing concepts of life and consciousness vary
according to the discipline of study. While for West Biologists, life is the
ability to be born, to grow and to die, for Yogis Life is Consciousness which
compenetrates to beings from nature kingdoms. Is human brain still evolving?
The studies of neuroscience, based on classical well-known triune brain
proposed by Dr Paul MacLean around the year 1960, estimate that in the human
brain resides the genealogical tree of the species as a result of the evolution
of millions of years starting from the brain structure of the reptiles. This
involves the well-known three levels of the reptilian brain (intinction), the
limbic brain (emotions) and the neocortex brain (rationality). Like the
biological evolution, it is also possible to consider a spiritual evolution
through also different kingdoms of nature. The
neuroscientists say that modern man has developed only one-third of his brain
capacity. According to this background, the main point of this study is to
postulate during next millennia the development of improved neocortex II or “intuitional
brain” with
neural networks prevailing human noble qualities and subtle essential unity among beings. Today neurological studies
reveal that network design of interconnected neurons varies with selfish and non-selfish thoughts. Recently Dr Richard Davidson, a well-known and famous American
psychiatrist who also practices meditation techniques, has demonstrated that
network neurons of human depression are completely different from those in
tenderness. He concludes that “goodness is the base of a healthy brain”.
Suddha Dharma Mandalam (SDM) is a sacred Spiritual Order which pre-eminent
philosophical system contains the most vital principles about life and conduct,
aimed at achievement of the material and spiritual progress of humanity. Among
others, this Order recommends to their disciples cultivate the noble Atmic qualities including goodness, tolerance, welfare, purity and compassion.
Experts from different areas including philosophers and biologists propose that
if we teach Yoga to children, the world violence would be eliminated in a
single generation.
Share and Cite:
Munoz, C. (2020) Evolution and Yoga. Hypothesis: From Reptilian to Intuitional Brain.
Open Journal of Philosophy,
10, 266-276. doi: