Neonatal Screening for Lubumbashi Drepacytosis: Feasibility and Suitable Performance"
written by Tina Katamea, Criss Koba Mjumbe, Maguy Ngongo Omoy, Dieudonné Bafwafwa, Matthieu Ngombe, Lydie Kasongo, Gautier Mutoba, Dieudonné Ngwej Tshikwej, Amir Assumani N’Simbo, Oscar Luboya Numbi, Léon Tshilolo, Sanislas Wembonyama,
published by
Open Access Library Journal,
Vol.7 No.3, 2020
has been cited by the following article(s):
Hospital Prevalence of Sickle Cell Disease in Children Under 5 Years of Age in a Region of the Democratic Republic of Congo
European Journal of Medical and Health Research,