has been cited by the following article(s):
Early Warning System of Cervic Cancer (EWS Ca. CERVIC) In Women of Reliable Age Based on Mobile
Jurnal Aisyah: Jurnal Ilmu …,
2022 |
Erken Evlilik Sorunu ve Kadın Sağlığı: Güncel Bir Değerlendirme
Universal Journal of History and Culture,
2022 |
Erken Evlilik Sorunu ve Kadın Saglıgı: Guncel Bir Degerlendirme
Universal Journal of History and Culture,
2022 |
KORESPONDENSI: Early Warning System of Cervic Cancer (EWS Ca. CERVIC) In Women of Reliable Age Based on Mobile
2022 |
Child-Spouse Strategies in Dealing with Life Issues Marital (Comparison of Two Groups of Children-Spouses)
Quarterly Journal of …,
2022 |
Hubungan faktor risiko dengan lesi prakanker serviks di Puskesmas Segerongan Lombok Barat
Journal of Innovation Research and …,
2021 |
Epidemiology of pre invasive and invasive lesions of the cervix at tertiary health centre in Punjab.
International Journal of Reproduction …,
2021 |
Prevalence of Abnormal Pap Smear Results in Syrian Women
2020 |
Human Papilloma Virus Types 16/18 Distribution in Invasive Cervical Cancer: An Evidence for Vaccination in Bihar, India
2020 |
Influence of Demographic and Reproductive Factors on Cervical Pre-Cancer and Cancer in Bangladesh
2020 |
A study of cervical cytology in females above 21 years of age
2019 |
Risk Factors of Cervical Cancer: A Case-Control Study
2019 |
Knowledge of Female Students About Breastfeeding Issues: A School-Based Study in Wasit Province/2017
2019 |
A study of cervical cytology in females above 21 years of age.
International Journal of Reproduction …,
2019 |
Knowledge of Female Students About Breastfeeding Issues: A School-Based Study in Wasit Province/2017.
Indian Journal of …,
2019 |
Marriage variables relation to abnormal cervical Pap smears results in Nineveh governorate patient's women
2018 |
A study of association between cervical cytology and period of co-habitation with husbands in the wives of serving soldiers
Medical Journal Armed Forces India,
2018 |
Molecular epidemiology of human papillomavirus in north and central part of Ethiopia
2018 |
The user experience of an online platform when learning cytology
2016 |
Prevalence and Association of Atypical Cervical Epithelial Cell Abnormalities with Different SociodemographicFactors among Women Attending theMaternity …
Diyala Journal of Medicine,
2016 |
A descriptive study to assess the risk factors of cervical cancer among married women in selected coastal region Kerala, 2015
2016 |
A Study on Cervical Cancer Screening Using Pap Smear Test and Clinical Correlation
Erken Evlilik Sorunu ve Kadın Sağlığı: Güncel Bir Değerlendirme
Universal Journal of History and Culture,
Erken Evlilik Sorunu ve Kadın Sağlığı: Güncel Bir Değerlendirme
Universal Journal of History and Culture,
Risk Factors of Cervical Cancer: A Case-Control Study
Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology Nursing,
A study of association between cervical cytology and period of co-habitation with husbands in the wives of serving soldiers
Medical Journal Armed Forces India,