Live multicast video streaming from drones: an experimental study
2019 |
QoS and QoE in Wireless Multicast Communication
Advances in Computing and Data Sciences,
2016 |
Efficient and Reliable MPEG-4 Multicast MAC Protocol for Wireless Networks
2015 |
A reliable multicast MAC protocol for Wi-Fi Direct 802.11 networks
Networks and Communications (EuCNC), 2015 European Conference on,
2015 |
A leader-based reliable multicast MAC protocol for multimedia applications
KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS),
2014 |
Transport Multicast fiable de la vidéo sur le réseau WiFi
Diss. Université Sciences et Technologies-Bordeaux I,? ,
2013 |
Reliable Multicast transport of the video over the WiFi network
2013 |
On the design of robust and adaptive IEEE 802.11 multicast services for video transmissions
World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM), 2013 IEEE 14th International Symposium and Workshops on a. IEEE, 2013.,
2013 |
A survey of multicasting over wireless access networks
Communications Surveys & Tutorials, IEEE,
2013 |
A novel QoE-aware multicast mechanism for video communications over IEEE 802.11 WLANs
Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Journal on?30.7 ,
2012 |
Design of efficient multicast protocol for IEEE 802.11 n WLANs and cross-layer optimization for scalable video streaming
Mobile Computing, IEEE Transactions on? ,
2012 |
基于码片标识的WMN 多播纠错协议
2012 |
Echtzeit-Fehlerschutz fur die drahtlose paketbasierte Fernsehubertragung
M Gorius, T Herfet, Z Li - sauerlandwelle.de,
2012 |
Reliable Multicast Streaming
2012 |
A new ARQ mechanism for multicast traffic over IEEE 802.11 WLANs
Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference (WMNC), 2011 4th Joint IFIP. IEEE, 2011.,
2011 |
Wireless Media Multicast with Predictable Reliability in the Network-Integrated Multimedia Middleware
Diss. Saarland University,? ,
2011 |
分层信标驱动的无线Mesh 网多播差错控制协议
2010 |
Multicast Collision Free (MCF) Mechanism over IEEE 802.11 WLANs
Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference (WMNC), 2010 Third Joint IFIP. IEEE,,
2010 |
Layer-Divided Beacon-Driven Leader Based Protocol for Multicast Error Control in Wireless Mesh Networks
西安交通大学学报 (未开通),
2010 |
分层信标驱动的无线 Mesh 网多播差错控制协议
2010 |
Layer Divided Beacon Driven Leader Based Protocol for Multicast Error Control in Wireless Mesh Networks
2010 |
Reduced Order Model Based Algorithm for Inverse Convection Heat Transfer Problem
西安交通大学学报 (未开通),
2009 |
HLBP: a hybrid leader based protocol for MAC layer multicast error control in wireless LANs
Global Telecommunications Conference, 2008. IEEE GLOBECOM 2008. IEEE. IEEE, 2008.,
2008 |