Prof. Lora L. H. Beebe
College of Nursing
University of Tennessee, USA
2000 Ph.D., University of Kentucky, Nursing
1989 M.S.N., University of Kentucky, Nursing
1987 B.S.N., Marshall University, Nursing
Beebe L.H., Smith K., Burk R., McIntyre K., Dessieux O., Tavakoli A., & Velligan D. (2012),Motivational Intervention Increases Exercise in Schizophrenia and Co-occurring SubstanceUse Disorders, Schizophrenia Research, 135, 204-205.
Beebe L.H., Smith K., Davis J., Roman M., & Burk R. (2012), Meet me at the Crossroads: Clinical research engages practitioners, educators, students and patients, Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, 48,2,76-82.
Beebe L. H., Faust-Harris R. (2012),Using Pedometers to Document Physical Activity in Persons with Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders: A Feasibility Study, Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and mental health Services,50,2, 44-49.
Beebe L.H., Smith K., Burk R., McIntyre K., Dessieux O., Tavakoli A., Tennison C., & Velligan D. (2011), Effect of a Motivational Intervention on Exercise Behavior in Persons with Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders Community Mental Health Journal. 47,6, 628-636.
Beebe L.H., Adams S., & El-Mallakh P. (2011). Putting the Evidence in Evidence Based Practice: Meeting Research Challenges in Community Psychiatric Settings, Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 32,8, 528-536.
Beebe L.H. & Smith K. (2010), Informed consent to research in persons with schizophrenia spectrum disorders, Nursing Ethics, 17,4, 425-434.
Beebe L.H., Smith K., Bennett C., Bentley K., Walters A., Hancock B., Farmer S., Earle K., & White S. (2010), Keeping in Touch: Cell Phone use in persons with schizophrenia spectrum disorders, Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 48,4, 32-37.
Beebe L.H., Smith K., Burk R., Dessieux O., Velligan D.I., Tavakoli A. & Tennison C. (2010), Effect of a motivational group intervention on exercise self efficacy and outcome expectations for exercise in schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses’ Association, 16,6, 105-113.
Beebe L.H. & Smith K. (2010), Feasibility of the Walk, Address, Learn and Cue intervention for Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders,Archives of Psychiatric Nursing. 24,1, 54-62.
Beebe L.H. ( 2010), What community living problems do persons with schizophrenia report during periods of stability? Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, 46,1, 48-55.
Beebe L.H., Burk R., McIntyre K.B., Smith K., Velligan D., Resnick B., Tavakoli A., Tennison C., & Dessieux O. (2009), Motivating Persons with Schizophrenia to Exercise: Rationale and Design, Clinical Schizophrenia and Related Psychoses, 3,2, 111-116.
Beebe L.H. & Wyatt T. Melody for Mood Disorders, (2009),Journal ofPsychosocial nursing and Mental health Services, 47,1, 29-33.
Beebe L.H., Smith K., Crye C., Addonizio C., Strunk D.J., Martin W., & Poche J. (2008),Telenursing intervention increases psychiatric medication adherence in schizophrenia outpatients, Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses’ Association, 14,3, 217-224.
Beebe L.H. & Smith K. (2008), Examining Informed Consent in persons with schizophrenia.Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 29,4, 397-410.
Beebe L.H. (2008), Obesity in Schizophrenia: screening, monitoring and health promotion.Perspectives in Psychiatric Care,44,1, 25-31.
Beebe L.H. (2007), Beyond the Prescription Pad: Psychosocial Treatments for Persons with Schizophrenia, Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 45,3, 35-40
Beebe L.H. (2007), What can we learn from pilot studies? Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, 43,4,, 213-218.
Beebe L.H. (2006), Describing the Health Parameters of Outpatients with Schizophrenia. Applied Nursing Research, 19, 43-47.
Beebe L.H. (2006), Walking Tall: A person with schizophrenia on a journey to better health. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 44,6, 1-4.
Beebe L.H. (2005), Telephone Intervention-Problem Solving (TIPS) for Persons With Schizophrenia, Directions in Psychiatric Nursing, 11,9, 103-112
Beebe L.H., Tian L., Morris N., Goodwin A., Swant-Allen S., & Kuldau J. (2005), Effects of Exercise on the Health Parameters of Outpatients with Schizophrenia, Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 26,6, 661-676.
Beebe L.H. & Tian L. (2004), TIPS: Telephone Intervention-Problem Solving for persons with Schizophrenia, Issues in Mental Health Nursing,25,3, 317-329.
Hall L.A., Peden A.R., Rayens M.K., & Beebe L.H. (2004), Parental bonding: A key factor for mental health of college women, Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 25,3, 277-291.
Beebe L.H. (2003), Health Promotion in Persons with Schizophrenia: Atypical Medications, Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses’ Association, 9,4, 115-122.
Beebe L. H. (2003), Theory based research in schizophrenia. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, 39,2,67-74.
Beebe L.H. (2002), Problems in community living identified by persons with schizophrenia.Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 40,2, 38-46.
Beebe L.H. (2001), Community nursing support for schizophrenic clients. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 15,5, 214-222.
Peden A.R., Hall L.A., Rayens M.K., & Beebe L.H. (2001), Preventing depression in high-risk college women: A report of an 18-month follow-up, Journal of American College Health, 49,6, 299-306.
Peden A.R., Hall L.A., Rayens M.K., & Beebe L. H.(2000), Negative thinking mediates the effect of self-esteem on depressive symptoms in college women, Nursing Research, 49,4, 201-207.
Peden A.R., Hall L.A., Rayens M.K. & Beebe L.H. (2000), Reducing negative thinking and depressive symptoms in college women, Image: The Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 2ndQuarter, 32 ,2, 145-151.
Beebe, L. H.(1990), Reframe your outlook on recidivism, Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 28,9, 31-33.