
Prof. Arnold Robbins
Boston University School of Medicine, USA



1957    M.D., Tulane University Medical School, USA
1955    Externe, Crippled Children’s Hospital of New Orleans, USA
1953    B.S. in Psychology, University of Pittsburgh, USA


  1. Newer Perspectives on Domestic Violence, Psychiatric Times, April 2010
  2. Resolution calling for a Men’s Health Person of the Year award at Mass Medical Society, May 2009
  3. Resolution calling for legislative support for insurance providers to include PED5 inhibitors as part of their formularies, May 2009
  4. New Lens on Narcissism, Clinical Psychiatry News, May 2009
  5. Another View of The Men’s Health “Movement” The Debate Continues………., International Journal of Men’s Health & Gender, November 2008
  6. Reality Versus Virtual Reality: Which Articles, Which Data, International Journal of Men’s Health & Gender, December 2007
  7. Psychotherapy: A Practical and Integrative Approach, Carlat Psychiatry Report, Vol. 5, Number 7, July 2007
  8. Gender Studies in Addictions, Letter to the Editor, Psychiatric Times, June 2007
  9. Substance Abuse Research and Gender, Psychiatric Times, June 2007
  10. The Men’s Health Movement. International Journal of Men’s Health & Gender, June 2007
  11. A Brief Overview of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues in Men, Part of a distribution to members and staff of Congress at the Congressional Men’s Health Screening and made part of the Men’s Health Library, May 2006
  12. Joint Custody, Letter to the Editor, Albany Times Union, 2006
  13. Biopsychosocial Aspects in Understanding Depression in Men, International Journal of Men’s Health & Gender, 2006
  14. Prostitution: Economics or Violence? Psychiatric Times, 2005
  15. Introduction to Men’s Mental Health, Journal of Men’s Health and Gender, 2004
  16. DSM IV and Bio Psycho-Social Psychiatry, Letter to the Editor, Psychiatric Times, 2003
  17. Financing of Mental Health Care in Troubled Times. Editorial at the Boston Globe and at the Fall River Herald, 2003
  18. Gender Issues in Psychiatry, Letters to the Editor, Journal of the American Psychiatric Association, 2002
  19. Bipolar Illness, Letters to the Editor, American Psychiatric Association Journal of Psychiatric Services, 2002
  20. SSRI Dosing. Letters to the Editor, Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 2002
  21. Genetics of Schizophrenia, Letters to the Editor, Psychiatrics News, 2002
  22. Reality Therapy, Book Review, Journal of the American Ortho-psychiatric Association, 2000
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