Prof. Ahmed M. A. Nasr
Assiut University, Egypt
1999 Medical Doctorate in Obstetrics & Gynecology
1995 MRCOG Exam (Part 1) Held in London
1993 Master Degree in Obstetrics & Gynecology
El Saman AM, Ismael AM, Zakherah MS, Nasr A, Tawfik RM, Bedaiwy MA. Enhancement balloon vaginoplasty for treatment of blind vagina due to androgen insensitivity syndrome. Fertil Steril. 2011;95 (2):779-82.
Shaaban OM, Fathalla MM, Shahin AY, Nasr A. Emergency contraception in the context of marriage in Upper Egypt. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2011;112(3):195-9.
Nasr A. Effect of N-acetyl-cysteine after ovarian drilling in clomiphene citrate-resistant PCOS women: a pilot study. Reprod Biomed Online. 2010;20(3):403-409.
El Saman AM, Darwish AM, Zakherah MS, Hamed HO, Bedaiwy MA, Nasr AM. Tactile Cold Scissor Metroplasty as a Novel Backup Method for Hysteroscopic Metroplasty. Fertil Steril. 2010;94(3):1086-9.
Zakherah MS, Nasr A, El Saman AM, Shaaban OM, Shahin AY. Clomiphene citrate plus tamoxifen versus laparoscopic ovarian drilling in women with clomiphene-resistant polycystic ovary syndrome Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2010 Mar;108(3):240-3.
Salem HT, Tawfik RM, El Saman AM, Nasr A. Anterior abdominal wall cervicopexy for treatment of stage III and stage IV uterine prolapse. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2010;110(2):130-2.
Nasr A. State of the Globe: Catheterizations continue to cultivate urinary infections. J Glob Infect Dis. 2010;2(2):81-2.
Nasr A. Is there a role of laparoscopy in the diagnosis and treatment of infertility in the 21st century? MEFS Journal. 2010; 15(3):150-152.
Nasr A. From evidence-based medicine to evidence-based practice: is there enough evidence? MEFS Journal. 2010; 15(4):294-295.
Nasr A, Nafeh HM. Influence of black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) use by postmenopausal women on total hepatic perfusion and liver functions. Fertil Steril. 2009;92(5):1780-2.
Nasr A, Nafeh HM. Decreased hepatic perfusion in patients with HELLP syndrome. J Obstet Gynaecol. 2009;29(7):624-7.
Nasr A, Shahin AY, Elsamman AM, Zakherah MS, Shaaban OM. Rectal misoprostol versus intravenous oxytocin for prevention of postpartum hemorrhage. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2009;105(3):244-7.
Nasr A, Nafeh HM. Effect of etonogestrel contraceptive implant (Implanon®) on portal blood flow and liver functions. Contraception. 2009;79(3):236-9.
Nasr AM, El Bigawy AF, Abdelamid AE, Al- Khulaidi S, Al-Inany HG, SayedEH. Evaluation of the use vs nonuse of urinary catheterization during cesarean delivery: a prospective, multicenter, randomized controlled trial. J Perinatol. 2009;29(6):416-21.
El Saman AM, Fathalla MM, Zakherah MS, Shaaban OM, Nasr A. Modified balloon vaginoplasty: the fastest way to create a natural neovagina: minor changes in technique eliminate the need for customized instruments. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2009;201(5):546.e1-5.
El Saman AM, Zakherah MS, Nasr AM, Fathalla MM. Distension versus traction in laparoscopically assisted balloon vaginoplasty for management of vaginal aplasia. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2009;104(1):72-3.
Bedaiwy MA, Ryan E, Shaaban O, Claessens EA, Nasr A, Sandadi S, Mejia SB, Casper RF. Pregnancy outcomeafter metformin co-treatment in ovulation induction. MEFS Journal 2009;14(4):270-4.
Nasr G, Nasr A. Gender differences in Myocardial Performance Index and aortic stiffness in patients with the Metabolic Syndrome. European Journal of Echocardiography Supplements December 2008; S29.
El Saman AM, Fathalla MM, Nasr AM, Youssef MA. Laparoscopically assisted balloon vaginoplasty for management of vaginal aplasia. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2007;98(2):134-7. (THIS PAPER HAS BEEN SELECTED AS THE BEST CLINICAL RESEARCH ARTICLE IN 2007 FROM A DEVELOPING COUNTRY).
Darwish AM, Nasr AM, El-Nashar DA. Evaluation of postmyomectomy uterine scar. J Clin Ultrasound. 2005;33(4):181-6.
Nasr G, Nasr A. Combined systolic and diastolic performance, aortic root, left atrial dimensions and carotid intima-media thickness in pregnancy-induced hypertension: relation to parity and lipids. European Journal of Echocardiography Supplements December 2003; S21.