
Prof. Ospan A. Mynbaev
Moscow State University of Medicine & Dentitry, Russia



2006     Doctor in de Medische Wetenschappen, The Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, Belgium
2004     M.Sc., The Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Brussels and Ghent University, Belgium


  1. Eliseeva MYu, Mynbaev OA. The role of an adjuvant immunotherapy of HPV-associated mucosal and skin lesions. Akush Ginekol (Mosk) 2011 (4) in press [Rus]
  2. Mynbaev OA, Eliseeva MYu, Chernov A.V. Lapsus creativus or sciolistic daydreaming (Manilovshina). Z turbotoyu pro ZHINKU» (“Taking Care of a WOMAN”) 2011; (3): 32-34 [Rus]
  3. Eliseeva MYu, Soikina ZhA, Papikova KA,Kosmas IP, Mynbaev OA An impact of a novel prescription mode of Inosine pranobex used in treatment of genital warts and HPV-associated cervical lesions. The European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health care 2010; 15(S1): 193
  4. Eliseeva MYu, Ryzhkov VV, Papikova KA, Kosmas IP, Mynbaev OA. Reduction of the late consequences of acute pelvic inflammation diseases by oral contraceptives. The European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health care 2010; 15(S1): 161
  5. Eliseeva MYu, Mynbaev OA. Adjuvant immunotherapy of HPV-associated mucosal and skin lesions of urogenital and perianal localization. The practitioner 2010 N11: 2-11 [Rus]
  6. Mynbaev OA, Eliseeva MYu, Manukhin IB, Masihi KN, Tsarev VN. Immunomodulators’ application in gynecology: myths & reality. Effective pharmacotherapy in obstetrics & gynecology 2010; 5/5: 10-13 [Rus]
  7. Eliseeva MYu, Tsarev VN, Masihi KN, Osidak LV, Barinsky IF, Tsareva TV, Mynbaev OA. Application of adjuvant immunotherapy in patients with immunodeficiency and frequently ill children. Spr. Pract. Vracha (A practitioner's handbook) 2010; (9): 7-14 [Rus]
  8. Mynbaev OA, Corona R. Possible mechanisms of peritoneal tissue-oxygen tension changes during CO2-pneumoperitoneum: the role of design, methodology and animal models. Hum Reprod 2009; 24: 1242-1246
  9. Mynbaev OA, Eliseeva MYu, Manukhin IB, Lobach PA, Tyshenko EA, Papikova KA, Lobach IYu. Knowledge-based screening, treatment and prevention strategy of genital warts and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia is necessary to prevent cervical cancer. GiornaleItaliano di Obstetrica e Ginecologia 2009; 31 (-7): 111-112
  10. Eliseeva MYu, Mynbaev OA, Ryzhkov VV, Kaptaeva AK, Tyshenko EA. Use of oral contraceptives in rehabilitation program after surgical treatment of acute pelvic inflammatory diseases. GiornaleItaliano di Obstetrica e Ginecologia 2009; 31 (-7): 83-85
  11. Lobach PA, Eliseeva MYu, Lobach IYu, Papikova KA, Manukhin IB, Mynbaev OA. The impact of abdominal and pelvic adhesions on Caesarean Section efficiency and newborn conditions. GiornaleItaliano di Obstetrica e Ginecologia 2009; 31 (-7): 98-99
  12. Kalzhanov ZhR, Eliseeva MYu, Mynbaev OA, Baimaganbetov AK, Lobach PA, Papikova KA, Mynbaeva DZ, Navesova VSh, Rysbekov MM. The impact of appendectomy performed in children and adolescents on reproductive function: a preliminary study. GiornaleItaliano di Obstetrica e Ginecologia 2009; 31 (-7): 92-93
  13. Mynbaev OA, Eliseeva MYu, Doorbar J, Manukhin IB. Epidemiology, molecular biology, pathophysiology and immunotherapy principles of papillomavirus infection]. Vestnik gynecology, obstetrics & perinatology 2009; 8 (3): 69–79 [Rus]
  14. Mynbaev OA, Adamyan LV, Mailova K, Vanacker B, Koninckx PR. Effects of adding small amounts of oxygen to a carbon dioxide-pneumoperitoneum of increasing pressure in rabbit ventilation models. Fertil Steril 2009; 92(2):778-784
  15. Eliseeva MYu, Mynbaev OA, Masihi KN, Manukhin IB, Tyshenko EA, Kundokhova MC. Modern view on herpetic infection. Probl Reprod 2009; (1): 25–35 [Rus]
  16. Mynbaev OA, Eliseeva MYu, Masihi KN, Manukhin IB, Tsarev VN. Groprinosin is beneficial immune stimulating agent in immunocompromised patient. T-Pacient 2009; 7 (8-9): 5-12 [Rus]
  17. Mynbaev OA, Koninckx PR, Bracke M. A possible mechanism of peritoneal pH changes during carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum. Surg Endosc 2007; 21(3): 489-491
  18. Mynbaev OA, Adamyan LV, Koninckx PR, Micali S, Mailova K, Musabaev E, Vergote I, DeWeber I, D’Herde K, DeVos F, Whelan R, Jacobi C, Hewett P, Basson M, Kaufman L, Lee B, Bracke M. An Oxidative Stress Induced by Desufflations During Laparoscopy Can be a Triggering Mechanism of Cancer Cell Invasion and Port-site Metastases. Journal of Minimal Invasive Gynecology 2007; 14 (6,S.1): S77
  19. Mynbaev OA. The addition of O2 to the CO2 Does not prevent the Systemic Effects of the CO2 Pneumoperitoneum in a Rabbit Model. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech 2006; 16 (2): 123-125
  20. Mynbaev OA, Dolle L, Pismensky SV, Jacobi CA, Vanacker B, Bracke M. Pathophysiology of peritoneal tissue acidosis during laparoscopic surgery. The JSLS 2006; 10(3): 6102
  21. Mussche S, Krysko D, Mynbaev OA, D’Herde K. The role of apoptosis in the embriology, developmental biology, homeostasis and cancer of reproductive system. Probl Reprod 2006; (a special issue): 298-299 [Rus]
  22. Koninckx PR, Mynbaev ОA, Binda M, Mailova K. Reduction of CO2-pneumoperitoneum-induced metabolic hypoxaemia by the addition of small amounts of O2 to the CO2 in a rabbit ventilated model. A preliminary study. Hum Reprod 2003; 18: 891
  23. Mynbaev OA, Molinas CR, Adamyan LV, Vanacker B, Koninckx P.Pathogenesis of CO(2)pneumoperitoneum-induced metabolic hypoxemia in a rabbit model. J Current Opinion in Obstet & Gynecol 2003; 15(4):337-345
  24. Mynbaev OA. Experimental Model of Laparoscopic Burch Surgery. J Am Assoc Gynecol Laparosc 2002; 9 (3): S39
  25. Mynbaev OA, Molinas CR, Adamyan LV, Vanacker B, Koninckx P. Pathogenesis of CO(2)pneumoperitoneum-induced metabolic hypoxemia in a rabbit model. J Am Assoc Gynecol Laparosc 2002; 9(3):306-314
  26. Elkelani OA, Molinas CR, Mynbaev OА, Koninckx PR. Prevention of adhesions with crystalloids during laparoscopic surgery in mice. J Am Assoc Gynecol Laparosc 2002; 9(4):447-52
  27. Mynbaev OA, Molinas CR, Adamyan LV, Vanacker B, Koninckx PR. Reduction of CO(2)-pneumoperitoneum-induced metabolic hypoxaemia by the addition of small amounts of O(2) to the CO(2) in a rabbit ventilated model. A preliminary study. Hum Reprod 2002;17(6):1623-1629
  28. Mynbaev OA, Molinas CR, Vanacker B, Adamyan LV, Koninckx PR. Metabolic effect of the addition of 6% O2 to the CO2 - pneumoperitoneum. Hum Reprod 2001; 16 (Abst. Book 1, O-150): 61
  29. Molinas CR, Mynbaev OA, Koninckx PR. Pneumoperitoneum is a cofactor in adhesion formation in a laparoscopic mouse model, probably via peritoneal mesothelial hypoxia. Hum Reprod 2001; 16: (Abst. Book 1, P-301) 215
  30. Molinas CR, Mynbaev OA, Koninckx PR. Prevention of CO2 pneumoperitoneum- induced peritoneal hypoxiduring Laparoscopic surgery by adding 3% oxygen. J Am Assoc Gynecol Laparosc 2001; 8 (3) Suppl S43: 143
  31. Molinas CR, Mynbaev OA, Pauwels A, Novak P, Koninckx PR. Peritoneal mesothelial hypoxia during pneumoperitoneum is a cofactor in adhesion formation in a laparoscopic mouse model. Fertil Steril 2001; 76(3): 560-567
  32. Mynbaey OA, Schubina TA, Lutova LV, Andreenko GV, Karabasova MA. The importance of tissue fibrinolitic activity in pathophysiology of adhesion formation. International journal of gynecology & obstetrics 2000; 70: E23-E23
  33. Shubina TA, Lyutova LV, Karabasova MA, Mynbaev OA, Andreenko GV. Coagulation and fibrinolysis in rats after surgery with monopolar electrical scalpel. Bull Exp Biol & Med 2000; 130(9): 917-920
  34. Mynbaey OA, Rubl'ova KI, Lutova LV, Karabasova MA, Schubina TA, Andreenko GV. The role of uterine horn local fibrinolytic activity in the pathogenesis of postsurgical adhesion formation. Pathologic Physiology & Experimantal Therapy 1997; (1): 35-38 [Rus]
  35. Rubl'ova KI, Mynbaev OA, Adamian LV, Sukhikh GT. Effect of various suture and auxiliary materials on oxygen-dependent peritoneal macrophage function. Bull Exp Biol & Med 1996; 121(2): 158-161
  36. Myinbayev OA, Rubliova KI. Use of chemiluminescent method for evaluation of postoperative adhesion formation after reproductive pelvic surgery: an experimental study. Am J Reprod Immunol 1996; 36(4): 238-241
  37. Mynbaev OA, Lutova LV, Karabasova MA. Formation of Adhesions and Changed Activity of Tissue Plasminogen Activator of the Parietal Peritoneum of the Anterior Abdominal Wall in Rats during its Repair by Different Methods. Bull Exp Biol & Med 1996; 121 (3): 300 – 303
  38. Rubl'ova KI, Mynbaev OA, Adamian LV, Sukhikh GT. Effects of Various Sutures and Surgical Materials on the Oxygen-Dependent Function of Peritoneal Phagocytes. Bull Exp Biol & Med 1996; 121 (2): 145-147
  39. Mynbaev OA, Rubleva KI, Lutova LV, Karabasova MA, Andreenko GV. Effect of Hyaluronidase Electrophoresis from Actinogyal Solution on the Formation of Postoperative Adhesions. Bull Exp Biol & Med 1996: 120(12):1205 -1207
  40. Mynbaev OA, Lutova LV, Karabasova MA, Andreenko GV. The role of local fibrinolytic activity of the rats uterine (UH) in Pathogenesis of Pelvic Adhesion Formation. Fibrinolysis 1996; Suppl 3: 384
  41. Mynbaev OA, Lutova LV, Karabasova MA, Andreenko GV. Influence of oestral cycle on the fibrinolytic activity (FA) in tissues of uterine horns and vaginal wall in rats. Fibrinolysis 1996; Suppl 3: 385
  42. Kulakov VI, Adamyan LV, Mynbaev OA, Strugatsky VM. Effect of hyaluronase electrophoresis on formation of postoperative adhesions. Bull Exp Biol & Med 1995; 120(12): 589-591
  43. Adamyan LV, Kulakov VI, Myinbayev OA, Jahan I. Reproductive function after reconstructive surgery on rat uterine horns. Int J Fertil Menopausal Stud 1994; 39(4): 229-233
  44. Adamian LV, Mynbaev OA, Otuo FNL. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of various anti-adhesion agents in an experiment. Bull Exp Biol & Med 1993; 115(1): 68-69
  45. Adamyan LV, MynbaevOA,OtuoFNL.Experimental Estimation of the Effectiveness of Different Antiadhesion Remedies. Bull Exp Biol & Med 1993; 115(1): 72-73
  46. Adamyan LV, Mynbaev OA. Macroscopic and functional assessment of the efficacy of ovary regeneration with fibrin glue and various suture materials following its V-shaped resection. Bull Exp Biol & Med 1993; 115 (1): 96-98
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