
Prof. W. Douglas Evans
The George Washington University, USA



1991    Ph.D., Cognitive Science, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
1988    M.A., Cognitive Science, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
1984    B.A., Psychology/Philosophy, Reed College, Portland, OR
  1. Evans, W.D., Abroms, L.C., Poropatich R., Nielsen, P., Wallace, J. (In Press). “Mobile health evaluation methods: Opportunities, Challenges and the text4baby Case Study.” Journal of Health Communication.
  2. Evans, W.D., Taruberekera, N., Longfield, K., Snider, J. (In Press). “Brand Equity and Willingness to Pay for Condoms in Zimbabwe.” BMC Reproductive Health.
  3. Evans, W.D. (2011) “Development of a Public Health Brand Research Agenda: Case Studies.” Cases in Public Health Communication and Marketing. 5 Proc:48-71.
  4. Jordan, E.T., Ray, E.M., Johnson, P., Evans. W.D. (In Press). “Early Results: Text4baby Program Reaches the Intended Audience.” Nursing for Women’s Health.
  5. Blitstein, J.L., Evans, W.D., Davis, K.C., Kamyab, K. (In Press). “Impact of Repeated Exposure to Media Messages Encouraging Parent-Child Communication: Longitudinal Change in the Parent Speak Up National Campaign (PSUNC).” American Journal of Health Promotion.
  6. Goodman, E., Evans, W.D., DiPietro, L., Miller, W. (In Press). “Preliminary evidence for school-based physical activity policy needs in Washington, DC.” Journal of Physical Activity and Health.
  7. Evans, W.D., Falconer, M.K., Khan, M., Ferris, C. (In Press). “Efficacy of Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Campaign Messages: Results from an Online Evaluation of the Florida Winds of Change Campaign.” Journal of Health Communication.
  8. Jordan, E.T., Ray, E.M., Johnson, P., Evans. W.D. (In Press). “Early Results: Text4baby Program Reaches the Intended Audience.” Nursing for Women’s Health.
  9. Blitstein, J.L., Evans, W.D., Davis, K.C., Kamyab, K. (In Press). “Impact of Repeated Exposure to Media Messages Encouraging Parent-Child Communication: Longitudinal Change in the Parent Speak Up National Campaign (PSUNC).” American Journal of Health Promotion.
  10. Goodman, E., Evans, W.D., DiPietro, L., Miller, W. (In Press). “Preliminary evidence for school-based physical activity policy needs in Washington, DC.” Journal of Physical Activity and Health.
  11. Evans, W.D., Falconer, M.K., Khan, M., Ferris, C. (In Press). “Efficacy of Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Campaign Messages: Results from an Online Evaluation of the Florida Winds of Change Campaign.” Journal of Health Communication.
  12. Evans, W.D., Blitstein, J., Davis, K.C., Ulasevich, A. (2011). “Mediators of Parent-Child Communication About Sexual Activity.” American Journal of Health Behavior, 35(4):428-437.
  13. Evans, W.D., Christoffel, K.K., Necheles, J., Becker, A.B., Snider, J. (2011). “Outcomes of the 5-4-3-2-1 Go! Childhood Obesity Community Trial.” American Journal of Health Behavior, 35(2):189-198.
  14. Evans, W.D., Patchen, L. “Teen Pregnancy Prevention Among At-risk Urban Youth: Improving Parent Child Connectedness." In Notaro, S. (Ed.), Health Disparities Among Under-served Populations: Implications for Research, Policy, and Praxis. London: Emerald Publishing.
  15. Evans, W.D., Rivas, J., Andrade, B., Longfield, K., Lungo, S., Sinder, J., Wallace, J. “HIV prevention through condom brand social marketing: Case study of brand equity research in Central America.” 2011 International Communication Association Theme Book. New York: Hampton Press.
  16. Evans, W.D., Longfield, K., Shekhar, N., Rabemanatsoa, A., Snider, J., Reerink, I. (2011). “Social Marketing and Condom Promotion in Madagascar: A Case Study in Brand Equity Research.” In Handbook of Global Health Communication, R. Obregon, and S. Waisboard (Eds.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
  17. Abroms, L.C., Padmanabhan, N., Evans, W.D. (2011). “Mobile Phones for Health Promotion.” In Interactive Health Communication Applications: Promising Strategies for Health Behavior Change, S. Noar, and N.G. Harrington (Eds.). New York: Routledge.
  18. Evans, W.D. (2011). “Changing Obesity Policies and Behavioral Risk Factors through Social Marketing: Case Study of the Chicago 5-4-3-2-1 Go! Program. In Health Industry Communication: New Media, New Methods, New Messages, N. Hicks and C. Nichols (Eds.). Boston: Jones and Bartlett, Inc.
  19. Evans, W.D. “Branding Health Behavior: Evidence and Case Studies.” Presented at the NIH Workshop on Health Branding, Bethesda, MD, September 2011.
  20. Evans, W.D. “Evaluation of Nutrition Promotion Programs Using New Media Technologies.” Presented at the American Dietetic Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, September 2011.
  21. Evans, W.D. “Global Health and New Media.” Presented at the Louise Blouin Foundation Creative Leadership Summit, New York, NY, September 2011.
  22. Evans, W.D. “The text4baby Program: Evaluation of a Mobile Health Initiative.” Presented at the Annual Mobile Health Conference @ Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, May 2011.
  23. Evans, W.D. “Public Health Evaluation & New Media: Evidence & Examples.” Presented at the Annual Armed Forces Public Health Conference, Hampton Roads, VA, March 2011.
  24. Evans, W.D. “Public Health Brand Research.” Presented at The George Washington University Symposium Series: Global Branding in Social Marketing, April, 2010.


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