Dr. Allen F. Anderson
Indiana University South Bend, USA
Email: allenfanderson@yahoo.com
2004 Gillings School of Global Public Health, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
1984 Ph.D., Political Science, Southern Illinois University, USA
1975 M.A., Political Science, Georgia State University, USA
1972 B.A., Political Science, The College of Charleston, Charleston, USA
Meng, X., Anderson, A.F., Lu, W., et al., “An Exploratory Survey of Money Boys and HIV Transmission Risk in Jilin Province, People’s Republic of China,” 7 AIDS Research and Therapy 17 (2010)
Paper Presentation, Anderson, A.F., Chu, T., Xu, Q., “Health and Social Justice: The Deaf and HIV Susceptibility in China,” 16th ACPSS International Conference, Harvard University, Kennedy School of Government, 5-7 November, 2010
Anderson, A.F., Zheng Qingsi, and Guo Haoming, “A Commentary on Beijing’s Chaoyangmen Hospice Unit and the Hospice Concept in China” 11 (3) Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing 187-192 (May/June, 2009)
Xu, Q. and Anderson, A.F., “Domestic Violence in Asian Cultures,” in Lee Ross (ed.), The War Against Domestic Violence (Taylor & Francis Group, 2009)
Invited Speaker, National Prison System Workshop on AIDS Prevention and Control, sponsored by the Chinese Ministry of Justice and the Chinese Foundation for the Prevention of STD and AIDS, Anhui Province, Hefei City, PR China, 15-17 October, 2007
Guest Speaker, “Perspectives on HIV Control in the Prison Environment,” Jilin Province Center for Disease Prevention and Control, Changchun, PRC, 21 May 2007
Meng, X., Anderson, A., and Wang Y., “Exploring an Administrative Model for Implementing ARV Therapy for AIDS Patients in Rural Areas of Jilin Province, People’s Republic of China.” 4th International AIDS Society Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment, and Prevention, Sydney, Australia, 22-25 July 2007
Meng, X., and Anderson, A.F., “A Need Survey of Children Affected by HIV/AIDS and Corresponding Care and Support,” 5 Chinese Journal of Public Health Engineering (ZHONGGUO WEISHENG GONGCHENGXUE) 71-73 (2006)
Anderson, A.F., Xu, H., Chu, T., and Xu, X., “Fundamentals for the Effective Management of HIV/AIDS in the Prison Environment,” Chinese Journal of STD & AIDS Prevention and Control (ZHONGGUO XINGBING AIZIBING FANGZHI) 94-97 (2006)
Meng, X., Anderson, A.F., Hou, X., Wang, Y., and Sun, L., “A Pilot Project for the Effective Delivery of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy in Rural China,” 20(3) AIDS Patient Care and STDs 213-219 (2006)
Xu, H., Zeng, Y., and Anderson, A.F., “Chinese NGOs in Action against HIV/AIDS,” 15 Cell Research 914-918 (2005)
Anderson, A.F., Zheng, Q., Wu, G., Li, Z., Liu, W., “HIV Knowledge and Attitudes among Hospital Health Professionals in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, People’s Republic of China.” 24 Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 128-131 (2003)
Anderson, A.F., Zheng, Q., Xu, H., Bao, J., “China’s Floating Population and HIV Transmission: A Social-Behavioral Perspective,” 15 AIDS Care 177-185 (2003)
Zheng, Q. and Anderson, A.F., “The Chinese Floating Population and HIV/AIDS,” 17
Chinese Health Service Management (ZHONGGUO WEISHENG SHIYE GUANLI) 366 (2001)
Zheng, Q. and Anderson, A.F., “KAP Survey on HIV/AIDS Among the Floating Population,” 7 Travel Medicine Science (LUXING YIXUE KEXUE) 17 (2001)