
Dr. Ann O'Leary
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USA



1986            Ph.D., January 1986, Psychology, A. Bandura, thesis advisor, Stanford University, USA
1985-1986    Post-doctoral NIMH NRSA fellowship, Health Psychology, University of California Medical School, USA
1981            B.A. Psychology, University of Pennsylvania, USA

  1. O'Leary, A. (1985). Self-efficacy and health. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 23, 437-451.
  2. Bandura, A., O'Leary, A., Taylor, C. B., Gauthier, J., & Gossard, D. (1987). Perceived self-efficacy and pain control: Opioid and nonopioid mechanisms. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 53, 563-571.
  3. O'Leary, A., Shoor, S., Lorig, K., & Holman, H. (1988). A cognitive-behavioral treatment for rheumatoid arthritis. Health Psychology, 7, 527-544.
  4. O'Leary, A. (1990). Stress, emotion, and human immune function. Psychological Bulletin, 108, 363-382.
  5. O'Leary, A., DiClemente, R. J., & Aral, S. O. (1997). Reflections on the design and reporting of STD/HIVbehavioral intervention research. AIDS Education and Prevention, 9, (A), 1-14. In A. O'Leary, R. J. DiClemente, & S. O. Aral (Eds.) (1997). Special Issue: Research on Behavioral Interventions to Reduce STD-HIV Risk: Null Findings, Replication Efforts, and Recommendations. AIDS Education and Prevention.
  6. The NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial Group (A. O'Leary, Rutgers P.I.). (1998). The NIMH HIV Prevention Trial: Reducing HIV sexual risk behavior.   Science, 280, 1889-1894.
  7. O'Leary, A. (1999). Preventing HIV Infection in Heterosexual Women: What do we Know? What do we need to learn? Applied and Preventive Psychology, 8, 257-263.
  8. O'Leary, A., Maibach, E., Ambrose, T. K., Jemmott, J. B. III, & Celentano, D. D. (2000). Social cognitive predictors of condom use behavior change among STD patients. AIDS and Behavior, 4, 309-316.
  9. O’Leary, A., & Martins, P. (2000). Structural and policy factors affecting women’s HIV risk: A life-course example.  AIDS, 14 (suppl), s68-s72.
  10. Suarez-Al-Adam, Raffaelli, M., & O’Leary, A. (2000). Influence of abuse and partner hypermasculinity on the sexual behavior of Latinas: Results from an HIV preventive intervention. AIDS Education and Prevention, 12, 263-274.
  11. The NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial Group (A. O'Leary, Rutgers P.I.; lead author). (2001). Social Cognitive Theory Mediators of Behavior Change in The NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial. Health Psychology, 20, 369-376.
  12. O’Leary, A. (2001). Women at risk for HIV from a primary partner: Balancing risk and intimacy. Annual Review of Sex Research: 2000, XI, 191-234.
  13. O’Leary, A., Purcell, D., Remien, R. H., & Gomez, C. (2003). Childhood sexual abuse and sexual transmission risk behavior among HIV-seropositive men who have sex with men. AIDS Care 15, 17-26.
  14. Neighbors, C. J., & O'Leary, A. (2003). Responses of Male Inmates to Primary Partner Requests for Condom Use: Effects of Message Content and Domestic Violence History. AIDS Education and Prevention, 15, 93-108.
  15. O’Leary, A., Moore, J. S., Sakitukwa, G, Loeb, L., Hruschka, D., Khan, R., & Padian, N. (2003). Association of negotiation strategies with consistent condom use by Zimbabwean women receiving an HIV prevention intervention. AIDS, 17, 11-13.
  16. O’Leary, A., Wolitski, R. J., Remien, R. H., Woods, W., Parsons, J. T., Moss, S., & Lyles, C. (2005). Psychosocial correlates of transmission risk behavior among HIV-seropositive gay and bisexual men. S67-S75.
  17. O’Leary, A., Hoff, C. C., Purcell, D. W., Gomez, C.A., Parsons, J. T., Hardnett, F., & Lyles, C. M. (2005). What happened in the SUMIT trial? Mediation and behavior change. AIDS, 19, S111-S121.
  18. O’Leary, A., Broadwell, S. D., Yao, P., & Hasin, D. (2006). Major depression, alcohol and drug use disorders do not account for the STD and HIV epidemics in the Southern U.S. Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 33, s70-s77.
  19. O’Leary, A., and Jones, K. T. (2006). Bisexual men and heterosexual women: How big is the bridge? How can we know? (Editorial). Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 33, 594-595.
  20. The NIMH HIV Prevention Trial Group (A O’Leary, Rutgers P.I.) (2006). HIV Prevention with persons with mental health problems. Psychology, Health and Medicine, 11, 142-154.
  21. Wainberg, M., Meunch, F., Morgenstern, J. D., Hollander, E., Irwin, T., Parsons, J. T., Allen, A., & O’Leary, A. (2006). A Double-Blind Study of Citalopram Versus Placebo in the Treatment of Compulsive Sexual Behaviors in Gay and Bisexual Men. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 67, 1968-1974.
  22. Jemmott, L. S., Jemmott, J. B. III, & O'Leary, A. (2007). A Randomized Controlled Trial of Brief HIV/STD Prevention Interventions for African American Women in Primary Care Settings: Effects on Sexual Risk Behavior and STD Incidence. American Journal of Public Health, 97. 1034-1040.
  23. O’Leary, A., Purcell, D., Remien, R. H., Hancock, H. E., & Spikes, P. (2007).Characteristics of bisexually-active men in the Seropositive Urban Men’s Study (SUMS). AIDS Care, 19 940-946.
  24. O’Leary, A., Purcell, D., Hancock, H. E., Spikes, P., & Gomez, C. A. (2007). Correlates of Risk Patterns and Race/Ethnicity Among HIV-Positive Men who have Sex with Men. AIDS and Behavior, 11, 706-715.
  25. O’Leary, A., Jemmott, L. S., & Jemmott, J. B. III (2008). Mediation analysis of an effective sexual risk reduction intervention for women: The importance of self-efficacy. Health Psychology, 27 (Suppl. 2), S180-184.
  26. O’Leary, A., & Wolitski, R. J. (2009). Moral Agency and the Sexual Transmission of HIV. Psychological Bulletin, 135, 278-294.  
  27. Jemmott, J. B. III, Jemmott, L. S., O’Leary, A., Ngwane, Z., Icard, L. D., Bellamy, S. L., Jones, S. F., Landis, J. R., Heeren, G. A., Tyler, J. C., & Makiwane, M. B. (2010). luster-randomized controlled trial of an HIV/STD risk-reduction intervention for South African adolescents. Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, 164. 923-929.
  28. Dolcini, M., Gandelman, A., Vogan, S., Kong, C., Leak, T. N., King, A. J., DeSantis, L., & O’Leary, A. (2010). Translating HIV interventions into practice: Community-based organizations’ experiences with the Diffusion of Effective Behavioral Interventions (DEBIs). Social Science and Medicine, 71, 1839-1846.
  29. O’Leary, A. (In press). Are dual-method messages undermining STI/HIV prevention? Infectious disease in Obstetrics and Gynecology.
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