Prof. Michal Holub
Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
2004 Ph.D., Human Physiology and Pathophysiology, Charles University, Czech Reoublic
1989 M.D., Faculty of Pediatrics, Charles University, Czech Reoublic
Publications (Selected)
Papareddy, P., Tapken, I., Kroh, K., Varma Bhongir, R. K., Rahman, M., Holub, M., ... & Herwald, H. (2024). The role of extracellular vesicle fusion with target cells in triggering systemic inflammation. Nature Communications, 15(1), 1150.
Papareddy, P., Selle, M., Partouche, N., Legros, V., Rieu, B., Holub, M., ... & Herwald, H. (2024). Identifying biomarkers deciphering sepsis from trauma-induced sterile inflammation and trauma-induced sepsis. Frontiers in immunology, 14, 1310271.
Holub, M., Pottecher, J., Herwald, H., Pasupuleti, M., & Papareddy, P. (2024). Systemic inflammation in severe infectious diseases. Frontiers in Immunology, 15, 1483682.
Arientová, S., Matúšková, K., Bartoš, O., Holub, M., & Beran, O. (2023). Specific immune responses after BNT162b2 mRNA vaccination and COVID-19 infection. Frontiers in Immunology, 14, 1271353.
Dresler, J., Matúšková, K., Kalaninová, Z., Pompach, P., Volný, M., Novák, P., ... & Holub, M. (2023). A case of botulism in the Czech Republic and current possibilities for detecting the neurotoxin produced by Clostridium botulinum. Klinicka Mikrobiologie a Infekcni Lekarstvi, 29(1), 26-28.
Zlámal, M., Bartovská, Z., Burantová, A., Zákoucká, H., Jiřincová, H., Chmel, M., & Holub, M. (2022). Monkeypox and herpes simplex virus type 2 coinfection: case report of perianal lesions in HIV-positive patient. Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 49(11), 769-770.
Gál, P., Brábek, J., Holub, M., Jakubek, M., Šedo, A., Lacina, L., ... & Smetana Jr, K. (2022). Autoimmunity, cancer and COVID-19 abnormally activate wound healing pathways: Critical role of inflammation. Histochemistry and Cell Biology, 158(5), 415-434.
Chmel, M., Bartoš, O., Kabíčková, H., Pajer, P., Kubíčková, P., Holub, M., ... & Dresler, J. (2022). Retrospective analysis revealed an April occurrence of Monkeypox in the Czech Republic. Viruses, 14(8), 1773.
Arientová, S., Jícha, Z., Beran, O., & Holub, M. (2022). Decreased quality of care for Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia during the COVID-19 pandemic. BMC Infectious Diseases, 22(1), 631.
Holub, M., Řezáč, D., & Čurdová, M. (2021). Fatal neutropenic colitis and Clostridium Septicum bacteremia in a breast cancer patient. Prague Medical Report, 122(3), 212-215.
Holub, M., Stráníková, A., Beran, O., Arientová, S., Bartoš, O., Kondelková, K., ... & Chalupa, P. (2021). Chronic hepatitis C virus infection modulates the transcriptional profiles of CD4+ T cells. Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology, 2021(1), 6689834.
Bartovska, Z., Andrle, F., Beran, O., Zlámal, M., Řezáč, D., Murinova, I., & Holub, M. (2020). Data from the first wave of Covid-19 from the Central Military Hospital, Prague, Czech Republic. Epidemiologie, Mikrobiologie, Imunologie: Casopis Spolecnosti pro Epidemiologii a Mikrobiologii Ceske Lekarske Spolecnosti JE Purkyne, 69(4), 164-171.
Holub, M., Stráníková, A., Chalupa, P., Arientová, S., Roubalová, K., & Beran, O. (2020). Frequent Recurrences of Genital Herpes Are Associated with Enhanced Systemic HSV‐Specific T Cell Response. Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology, 2020(1), 5640960.
Bartáková, E., Štefan, M., Stráníková, A., Pospíšilová, L., Arientová, S., Beran, O., ... & Holub, M. (2019). Calprotectin and calgranulin C serum levels in bacterial sepsis. Diagnostic microbiology and infectious disease, 93(3), 219-226.
Holub, M., Bartáková, E., Stráníková, A., Koblihová, E., Arientová, S., Blahutová, M., ... & Ryska, M. (2019). Calprotectin and calgranulin c as biomarkers of pancreatic tumors: baseline levels and level changes after surgery. Mediators of Inflammation, 2019(1), 6985703.
Profile Details
WoS ResearcherID: D-5182-2009