Ali Syed Ahmad Ali, Pirasteh Saied, 2003, Remote Sensing and GIS study of tectonics and net erosion rates in the Zagros Strcutural Belt, southwestern Iran, GISciences and Remote Sensing Jour. USA, Vol.40, No.4, PP:253‐262
Ali Syed Ahamad, Kazem Rangzan, Pirasteh Saied, 2003, Use of digital elevation model for study of drainage morphometry and identification stability and saturation zones in relations to landslide assessments in parts of the Shahbazan area, SW Iran, Cartography Jour. Australia, PP:69‐73
Ali Syed Ahmad, Pirasteh Saied, 2004, Geological application of Landsat Etm for mapping structural geology and interpretation: Aided by Remote sensing and GIS, International journal of remote sensing, UK‐Vol.25, issue 21, pp.4715‐47274727
Pirasteh Saied, Syed Ahmad Ali, 2005, lithostratigraphic study from Dezful to Brojerd‐Dorood areas SW Iran using digital topography, remote sensing and GIS, Indian petroleum geology journal, Vol. 13, No. 1, PP:1‐13
Pirasteh Saied and Syed Ahmad Ali, 2005, Channel profile for identification of unstable zones in Zagros mountain: Application of remote sensing and GIS, International journal of Geoinformatics, Vol.1, No.1 PP: 69‐78
Pirasteh Saied, Ziaei Hameed, Rizvi MZ, 2005, Comparative study of OIF and Crosta methods on ETM+ 2002: using remote sensing techniques in arid and semi‐arid environment Esfahan Iran, Indian Petroleum journal, Vol.14, No.1, PP: 67‐79
Saied Pirasteh, Nitin Kumar Tripathi, M.Hasan Ayazi, 2006, Localizing Ground Water Potential Zones in Parts of Karst Pabdeh Anticline, Zagros Mountain, SouthWest Iran using Geospatial Techniques, International Journal of Geoinfomatics, Volume 2, Number 2, pp:35‐42
Pirasteh Saied, Charchi Abbas, Rangzan Kazem, Tavalainejad Mahmood, 2006, The role of lineaments in karstification‐ Pabdeh anticline Zagros Fold Belt: an application of remote sensing and geographic information system, Journal of Sarzamin, Iran, Tehran, Vol.3, No.10, PP:81‐98
Rizvi., S.M.A, 2007, Pirasteh Saied, 2007, Flood Delineation using ERS‐1 Synthetic Aperture Radar, Bhuj, Gujarat, India, International Journal of Geoinformatics, Vol.3., No.3., pp:41‐47
Pirasteh Saied, Ali Syed Ahmad and Hussaini Saiedeh, 2007, Lineaments development processes for geomorphological controls in Zagros Mountains, Southwest Iran: An application of geo‐information technology, Journal of Geomatics, Vol.1, No.2, pp:19‐27
Pirasteh, Saied, 2007, structural and tectonics behavior in ground water control in Pabdeh anticline, Zagros Mountains, Journal of Sarzamin, Vol.3, No.11, pp: 49‐65
Pirasteh Saied, Mahmoodzadeh Amir, Alam Mahtab, 2008, Integration of Geoinformation Technology and Survey Analysis for Development in Mitigation Study against Earthquake: A Case Study for Esfahan Iran, International Disaster Advances Journal, Vol.1 No.2, P: 20‐26 http://www.disasterjournal.net/
Mehrnoosh Jadda, Helmi Z. M. Shafri, Shattri B. Mansor, Mohammad Sharifikia, Saeid Pirasteh, 2009, Landslide Susceptibility Evaluation and Factor Effect Analysis using Probabilistic‐Frequency Ratio model, European Scientific Journal Research, Vol. 33, Issue 4, page. 654‐668
Pirasteh Saied, Tripathi, N.K., Mahmoodzadeh Amir, Ziaee Hameed, 2008, Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques to Study Watershed Basin Erosion for Development Program: ZFB, Iran , International Journal of Geoinformatics, Vol.4, No.3, September issue, pp:59‐66
PIRASTEH S. and WOODBRIDGE K., S.M. Rizvi, 2009, Geo‐information technology (GiT) and tectonic signatures: the River Karun & Dez, Zagros Orogen in south‐west Iran, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Volume 30, Number 1‐2,389‐404
HOJJAT.O.SAFARAI, SAEID PIRASTEH AND SHATTRI BIN MANSOUR, 2009, Role of Kazerun Fault for localizing oil seepage in Zagros Mountain Iran: an application of GiT, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Volume. 3 Issue. Page.
Saied Pirasteh, Radkya.S., Nitin K. Thripathi , Shattri Mansour, Biswajeet Pradhan, Mohammad Firuz Ramli, 2009, Landscapes Rendition in Zagros Mountain, Iran Using Geoinformation Technology, Geomatics Journal, Volume 3, Number 1. Page.23‐27
Saied Pirasteh, Biswajeet Pradhan, Amir Mahmoodzadeh, 2009, Stability Mapping and Landslide Recognition in Zagros Mountain South West Iran: A Case Study, Disaster Advances International Journal, Volume 2(1), Page 47‐53 http://www.disasterjournal.net/
Jeefo, P., Tripathi, N.K., Souris, M., Phonekeo, V. and Pirasteh, S., 2009, Exploring geospatial factors contributing to Malaria prevalance in Kanchanaburi, Thailand, International Journal of Geoinformatics, Volume 5, Number 1, Page 21‐32
Biswajeet Pradhan, Mardiana Shafiee, Saied Pirasteh, 2009, Maximum flood prone area mapping using radarsat images and GIS for Kelantan river basin, Malaysia, International Journal of Geoinformatics, Volume 5, Number 2, pp.11‐23
Khani M.R., Pirasteh S., Shahabpoor G., Dehghani Sanij A, 2011, Biomonitoring of air pollution sulfur dioxide (SO2) by Lichen, Lecanora mularis, Research Journal of Chemistry and Environmental, Vol. Issue. Page http://www.chemenviron.net (Accepted)
Saleh T Daqamseh, Shattri Mansor, S.Pirasteh., Mahmud, A.R., 2011, Extraction Ocean Parameter (SSS, SST and Chlorophyll a Concentration) From Remotely Sensed Data: Emphasis on Fish Zones Potential, Marine Geodesy Journal, Volume. Issue Page (Accepted)
Saleh T Daqamseh., Shattri Mansor., M. Mahmud, A.R., S.Pirasteh, lawal. 2011, In‐Situ Measurements and Modis Satellite Data for Ocean Parameters(SSS and SST) Monitoring:semporna Sabah, Journal of Oceanography and Marine Science, Volume Issue Page www.academicjournals.org/JOMS (Accepted)
Saied Pirasteh, Alireza Farrokhnia, Biswajeet PradhanMohamad Pourkermani ,Mehrdad Arian , 2010, A recent scenario of mass wasting and its impact on the transportation in Alborz Mountains, Iran: Contribution from Geo information technology Arabian Geosciences Journal, Vol. Issue. Page (Accepted)
Mousavi S. R., Pirasteh S. , Shattri, M. and Amani A., 2009, Landslides and Active Faults Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques in Central Alborz Mountains, Iran, Disaster Advances Journal International, Vol.2, No.3, page.24‐29 http://www.disasterjournal.net/
Mahtab Alam, Amir Mahmoodzadeh, Saied Pirasteh, 2009, A Method for Rapid Evaluation of Masonry Buildings against Earthquakes, International Disaster Advances Journal, Vol.2, No.3, page.15‐23 http://www.disasterjournal.net/
Saied Pirasteh, Amir Mahmoodzadeh, Bijan Nikouravan, Mahtab Alam, Syed M.Asghar Rizvi, 2009, Probabilistic Methods and Study Earthquakes aided by Geoinformatics, International Journal of Geoinformatics, Volume 5, No.4, page.34‐41
Saleh T Daqamseh., Shattri Mansor., M. Mahmud, S. Pirasteh, A.R.Marghany, M. ,Zailani, k., 2009, Monitoring Ocean Parameters (SSS, SST and chlorophyll a concentration) Using Modis Satellite Data, Far East Journal of Ocean Research, Vol.2, No. 3, page. 187‐202
Pirasteh Saied, Pradhan Biswajeet, S.M. A. Rizvi, 2009, Comparison drainage networks in Zagros Mountain to study tectonic processes: using topography maps dated 1950 ‐ 2001 and GIS techniques, Arabian Geosciences Journal, Vol. No. Page. http://springerlink.com/content/34wj868457130k7h/
Saied Pirasteh, Ehsan Esfandyari, Javad Rashidi, Ahmad Savari, 2009, Digital Image Processing and Avicennia Detection for Forest Mapping in Persian Gulf: Emphasis on Plants Indices, Far East Journal of Ocean Research, Vol.2 No. 3, page.pp. 171‐186
Safari Hojatallah, Pirasteh, Saied, Pradhan Biswajeet, 2009, Uplifting estimation in Zagros Transverse faults Iran: an Application of Geoinformation Technology, International Open Remote Sensing Journal, Volume 1, issue 4, page.1240‐1256, http://www.mdpi.com/2072‐4292/1/4/1240
Nikouravan Bijan and Pirasteh Saied, 2009, Calculation of Ricci tensors by mathematica V 5., International Journal of Physical Sciences, Volume 4, Issue 12, page.818‐823 http://www.academicjournals.org/IJPS/contents/2009cont/Dec.htm
Saied Pirasteh, S. M. A. Rizvi , M.H. Ayazi, Amir Mahmoodzadeh, 2010, Using Microwave Remote Sensing for Flood study in Bhuj Taluk, Kuchch District Gujarat, India, International Geoinformatics Research and Development Journal, Volume 1, Number 1, pp. 13‐24, www.igrdg.com
M.Hasan Ayazi. Saied Pirasteh, Pradhan Biswajeet, Amir Mahmoodzadeh,2010, Disasters and Risk Reduction in Groundwater: Zagros Mountain, Southwest Iran Using Geoinformatics Techniques, International Disaster Advances Journal, Vol.3, No.1, page. 51‐57, http://www.disasterjournal.net/
II. Saleh Taher, D., Shattri M., Marghany, M., Mahmud, A.R., Pirasteh. S, 2010,In‐situ Measurements and MODIS Satellite Data for Sea Surface Salinity Monitoring, International Geoinformatics Research and Development Journal, Volume 1, Number 1, pp. 45‐58, www.igrdg.com
JJ. Hojjat Ollah Safari, Saied Pirasteh, Biswajeet Pradha, Ladan Khedri Gharibvand,2010, Use of Remote Sensing Data and GIS Tools for Seismic Hazard Assessment of Shallow Oilfields and its Impact on the Settlements in and Around Masjed‐i‐Soleiman Area, Zagros Mountains, Iran, Open Remote Sensing Journal an International, 2(5), 1364‐1377; doi:10.3390/rs2051364 (http://www.mdpi.com/2072‐4292/2/5/1364/,http://www.mdpi.com/journal/remotesensing)
KK. Biswajeet Pradhan, Saied Pirasteh, Renuganth Varathrajoo, 2010, Enhancement of semi‐automated lineament extraction from IRS‐ 1B satellite images for part of Himalayan region, International Journal of Geoinformatics, Volume 6, Number 2 Page 41‐50
LL. Pirasteh S. , Safari H. O., Pradhan B., Attarzadeh I., 2010, Litho‐morphotectonics analysis using Landsat ETM data and GIS techniques: Zagros Fold Belt (ZFB), SW Iran, International Geoinformatics Research and Development Journal, Vol.1, Issue 2, page 28‐36
MM. Biswajeet Pradhan, Saied Pirasteh, 2010, Comparison between prediction capabilities of neural network and fuzzy logic techniques for landslide susceptibility mapping, Disaster Advances Journal, Volume 3, Number 3, Page 19‐25 http://www.disasterjournal.net/disas/main_disas.htm
NN. N.YUSOF, M.F.RAMLI, S.PIRASTEH, H.Z.M.SHAFRI, 2010, Landslides and lineaments mapping along the Simpang Pulai to Kg Raja highway, Malaysia, International Journal of Remote Sensing IJRS, Volume. 3 Issue. Page. (Accepted)
OO. Biswajeet Pradhan, Shattri Mansor, Saied Pirasteh, Manfred F. Buchroithner, 2010, Landslide hazard and risk analysis at a landslide prone catchment area using statistical based geospatial model, International Journal of Remote Sensing IJRS, Volume. 3 Issue. Page. (Accepted)
PP. Seyed Ramzan Mousavi, Saeid Pirasteh, Shattri Bin Mansor, Ahamad Rodzi Mahmud , Ali Amani and Khalegh Arvin , 2010, ASTER STEREO IMAGES FOR LANDSLIDE HAZARD ASSESSMENT IN THE CENTRAL ALBORZ MOUNTAINS, IRAN, Geoinformatics for Disaster and Environment Development Journal, Vol., Number. Page (Accepted)
QQ. Mehrnoosh Jadda, Saeid Pirasteh, Helmi Z. M. Shafri, Shattri B. Mansor, 2010, PFR model and GiT for landslide susceptibility mapping: A case study from Central Alborz, Iran, International Natural Hazards Journal, Volume Issue Page. (Accepted)
RR. A.R Farrokhnia, S. Pirasteh, M. Pourkermani and M. Arian, 2011, Geo-Information technology for mass wasting hazard zonation: Central -west Alborz – Iran, Disaster Advances Journal International, Vol. Issue. Number. Page. (Accepted)