
Prof. Christophe Claramunt

Naval Academy Research Institute, France



1998 PhD., in Computer Science, Universit de Bourgogne, Dijon

Publications (selected)

1. Chen, C., Tan, J., Claramunt, C. and Ray, C., 2010, Multi-scale and multi-modal GIS-T data model, Journal of Transport Geography, Elsevier, to appear.

2. Yang, Y., Claramunt, C., Aufaure M.-A. and Zhang, W., 2010, User-centric similarity and proximity measures for spatial personnalization, International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining (IJDWM), IGI publishing, 6(2), 59-78.

3. Del Mondo, G. Stell, J. G., Claramunt, C. and Thibaud, C., 2010, A graph model for spatio-temporal evolution, International Journal of Universal Computer Science, 16(11), 1452-1477.

4. Le Yaouanc, J. M., Saux, E. and Claramunt, C., 2010, A semantic and language-based model of landscape scenes, Geoinformatica, Springer, 14(3), 333-352.

5. Vandersmissen, M. H., Seguin, A. M., Thériault, M. and Claramunt, C., 2009, Modelling propensity to move after job change using event-history analysis and temporal GIS, Geographical Systems, Springer, Vol. 11, pp. 37-65.

6. Petit, M., Ray, C. and Claramunt, C., 2009, L'environnement dans la conception de SIG, Caractérisation de l'environnement d'exécution pour la conception d'un système d'information mobile et distribué, Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information (ISI), (14)5, 11-34.

7. Mac Aoidh, E., McArdle, G., Petit, M, Ray, C., Bertolotto, M, Claramunt, C. and Wilson, D., 2009, Personalization in adaptive and interactive GIS, Annals of GIS, Taylor and Francis, 15(1), 23-33.

8. Petit, M, Ray, C. and Claramunt, C., 2009, Caractérisation de l'environnement d'exécution pour la conception d'un système d'information mobile et distribué, Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information, Hermes Lavoisier, 14(5), 11-34.

9. Li, X., Claramunt, C., Kung, H. T. and Guo, Z., 2008, A decentralised and continuity-based algorithm for delineating shelters' service areas , Environment Planning B, 35(4), pp. 593-608.

10. Tomko, M., Winter, S. and Claramunt, C., 2008, Experiential hierarchies of streets, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, Elsevier Science, 32(1), pp. 41-52.

11. Brosset, D; C. Claramunt, C and Saux, E., 2008, Wayfinding in natural and urban environments: a comparative study, Cartographica, Toronto University Press, 43(1), pp. 21-30.

12. Noyon, V., Claramunt, C., and Devogele, D., 2007, A relative representation of trajectories in geographical spaces, Geoinformatica, Springer, Vol. 4, n. 11, pp. 479-496.

13. Claramunt, C., and Winter, S., 2007, Structural salience of elements of the city, Environment Planning B, 34(6), pp 1030-1050.

14. Fournier, S., Devogele, T. and Claramunt, C., 2007, Un modèle de raisonnement contextuel pour la navigation maritime, Revue Internationale de.

15. Petit, M., Ray, C. and Claramunt, C., 2007, An adaptive interaction architecture for collaborative GIS, Cartography & Geographic Information Science, CAGIS, 35(2), 91-102.

16. Bera, R. and Claramunt, C., 2007, Connectivity inferences over the web for the analysis of semantic networks, International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology, Inderscience Publishing, 3(2), pp. 123-138.

17. Claramunt, C. and Winter, S, 2007, Structural salience of elements of the city, Environment Planning B., 34(6), pp 1030-1050.

18. Noyon, V., Claramunt, C., and Devogele, D., 2007, A relative representation of trajectories in geographical spaces, Geoinformatica, Springer, vol. 4, n. 11, pp. 479-496.

19. Li, X. and Claramunt, C., 2006, A spatial-based decision tree for classification of geographical information, Transactions in GIS, 10(3), Blackwell Publishing, pp. 451-467.

20. Sriti, M., Thibaud, R. and Claramunt, C., 2005, A fuzzy identity-based temporal GIS for the analysis of morphological changes, Journal of Data Semantics, Springer-Verlag, 3(1), pp 81-99.

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