
Prof. Michel Mainguenaud

Institut National des Sciences Appliquées, France



1989 Ph.D., Doctorat d'Université

1985 M.S., Ingénieur de l’Institut d'Informatique d'Entreprise

Publications (selected)

1. Mainguenaud, M. (2008) Data Model and Real Time in Spatial Applications: What data and When? 22nd European Simulation and Modelling conference, 27-29 October 2008, Le Havre – France.

2. Mainguenaud, M. (2006) Chapter 5 – The queries, Traité IGAT(Information Géographique et Analyse du Territoire) "Fondements des bases de données Spatiales", (in French), Hermès-Lavoisier, 236 pages, ISBN 2-7462-1378-8.

3. Mainguenaud, M., Souissi, N. (2006) Apport Automatisé de Sémantique lors de Manipulations de Documents Géographiques, Revue Internationale de Géomatique, Hermès, Vol 16, pp163-180.

4. Lardon, S. Mainguenaud M. (2006) Parcours dans un Itinéraire Méthodologique de diagnostic de territoire : exploration par un navigateur, Revue Internationale de Géomatique, Hermès, Vol 16, pp147-162.

5. Lardon, S., Le Ber, Brassac C. Caron C., Mainguenaud M., Préau J.M. (2006) Conception Collaborative d’Objets Géographiques, Application aux jeux de territoires, Revue Internationale de Géomatique, Hermès, Vol 16, pp269-284.

6. Jaziri, W. Mainguenaud M. (2005) Langage de définition et de négociation des contraintes pour la résolution des problèmes sur-contraints, Conférence SAGEO (Spatial Analysis and GEOmatics), Avignon, France, 20-23 June 2005.

7. Lecoq, J.C., Mainguenaud, M. (2003) Spatial Alphanumerical Attributes for Graphical Treatings, 7th Int. Conf. On Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), 3-6 August 2003, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK Lecoq, J.C., Mainguenaud, M. (2003) Intégration Spatio-Graphique dans les Systèmes Documentaires, Colloque International sur le Document et l’Ecrit – CIDE, Caen, France, 24­26 November 2003.

8. Carpentier, C., Mainguenaud, M. (2002) Classifying ambiguities in a visual language, GeoInformatica, Kluwer, Vol 6 (3), pp 285-316.

9. Mainguenaud, M., (2002) "Langage pour SIG – Conception, Développement et IHM" du Traité IGAT (Information Géographique et Analyse du Territoire), Scientific coordination, 2 chapters, (in French), Hermes-Lavoisier, 263 pages, ISBN 2-7462-0362-6.

10. Mainguenaud, M. (2000) A Query Resolution Engine to Handle a Path Operator with Multiple Paths, Transportation Research Part C, Pergamon-Elservier, Vol 8, pp 109-127.

11. Mainguenaud, M. (2000) Query Models and Languages for Geographical Information Systems. 4th Int. Conf. VISUAL2000. Advances in Visual Information Systems. Lyon 2-4 November 2000, France. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, n° 1929. Ed. R. Laurini, pp 511-520.

12. Claramunt, C., Mainguenaud, M. (1999) A Revisited Database Projection Operator for Network Facilities in a GIS, Informatica, 23, pp 187-201.

13. Claramunt, C., Mainguenaud, M. (1997) Collages spatiaux d'espaces multidimensionnels pour la représentation de processus de navigation, Revue Internationale de Géomatique, Vol 6, n° 4, Hermès (English version in SDH).

14. Claramunt, C., Mainguenaud, M. (1996) A Spatial Data Model for Navigation Knowledge, Proceedings of 7th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling (SDH), Colombus OH (Eds), Delft, The Netherlands, 12-15 Aug. 1996 (French version in RIG).

15. Mainguenaud, M. (1996) Constraint-based Queries in a Geographical Database for Network Facilities, Computer Environment and Urban Systems, Vol 20 (2), pp 139-151, Pergamon-Elservier.

16. Mainguenaud, M. (1995) The Modelling of the Geographical Information System Network Component, International Journal of Geographical Information Systems, Vol 9, n°6, pp 575­593, Taylor and Francis.

17. Brossier-Wansek, A., Mainguenaud, M. (1995) Manipulations of Graphs with a Visual Query Language: Application to a Geographical Information System, Proceedings of Visual Database Systems (VDB), pp 227-246, IFIP WG 2.6, Lausanne, Switzerland, 27-29 March 1995.

18. Claramunt, C., Mainguenaud, M. (1995) Dynamic and Flexible Vision of a Spatial Database, Database and EXpert Application -DEXA (Workshop), Londres, Royaume-Uni, 4-9 September 1995.

19. Brossier-Wansek, A., Mainguenaud, M. (1995) Documented Maps or How to merge a Hypermedia System and a Geographic Information System, 2nd Int. Workshop on Hypermedia Design, 1-2 June 1995, Montpellier, France.

20. Mainguenaud, M. (1994) Consistency of Geographical Information System Query Results, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, Vol 18, pp 333-342, Pergamon-Elservier.

21. Calcinelli, C., Mainguenaud, M. (1994) Cigales, A Visual Query Language for Geographical Information System: the User Interface, Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, Vol 5, pp 113-132, Academic Press.

22. Langou, B., Mainguenaud, M. (1994) Graph Data Model Operations for Network Facilities in a Geographical Information System, Proc. of 6th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling (SDH), pp 1002-1019, Colombus OH (Eds), Edinburgh UK, 5-9 September1994.

23. Mainguenaud, M. (1993) The Results of Geographical Information System Queries, Proceedings of IEEE/CS Visual Languages'93 (VL), Bergen, Norway, 25-27 August 1993.

24. Mainguenaud, M. (1993) From the User Interface to the Database Management System: Application to a Geographical Information System, Proceedings of 9th Human Computer Interaction (HCI), pp 684-689, Advances in Human Factors/Ergonomics, Elservier, Orlando, USA, 8-13 August 1993.

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