Prof. Hossein
Griffith University, Australia
Ph.D., Reading University, UK
M.Sc., Reading University, UK
B.Sc., Jundi-Shapur University, Iran
Publications (selected)
1. B. Raei, H. Asadi, A. Moussavi, H. Ghadiri.
2015. A study of initial motion of soil aggregates in comparison with sand
particles of various sizes. Catena 127: 279–286.
2. S. Akram, B. Yu, H. Ghadiri, C. Rose. 2015.
Modelling sediment trapping by non-submerged grass buffer strips using
nonparametric supervised learning technique. Journal of Environmental
Informatics (in press).
3. S. Akram, H. Ghadiri, B. Yu, C. Rose. 2015.
Modelling flow and sediment trapping upstream and within grass buffer
strips. Hydrological Processes (in press).
4. S. Akram, H. Ghadiri, B. Yu, C. Rose. 2015.
Modelling sediment transport and deposition in shallow flow through
non-submerged grass buffer strips using nonparametric supervised learning. The
Journal of Hydrology (in press).
5. Majid Mahmoodabadi, Hossein Ghadiri, Calvin
Rose, Bofu Yu, Hosseingholi Rafahi,
Hassan Rouhipour. 2014. Evaluation of GUEST and WEPP with a new approach for
the determination of sediment transport capacity. Journal of Hydrology 513:
6. Majid Mahmoodabadi, Hossein Ghadiri, Bofu
Yu, Calvin rose. 2014. Morpho-dynamic quantification of flow driven rill
erosion parameters based on physical principles. Journal of Hydrology 514:
7. S. Akram, B. Yu, H. Ghadiri, C. Rose, J.
Hussein. 2013. The link between water profile, net deposition and erosion in
the design and performance of stiff grass hedges. The Journal of Hydrology 501:
8. T.B. Weaver, N.R. Hulugalle, H. Ghadiri.
2013. Estimating drainage under cotton with chloride mass balance and an EM38.
Communications in Soil Sciences and Plant Analysis 44:1700-1707.
9. T.B. Weaver, N.R. Hulugalle, H. Ghadiri and
S. Harden (2013). Quality of drainage water under irrigated cotton in Vertisols
of the lower Namoi valley, New South Wales, Australia. Irrigation and Drainage
Journal 62: 107-114.
10. Timothy B., Weaver, T.B., Ghadiri, H.,
Hulugalle, N.R. and Harden, S. 2012.
Organochlorine pesticides in soil under irrigated cotton farming systems
11. in Vertisols of the Namoi Valley,
north-western New South Wales, Australia. Chemosphere 88(3): 336-343.
12. Asadi, H. Raeisvandi, A. Rabiei, B. and
Ghadiri, H. 2011. Effect of land use and topography on soil properties and
agronomic productivity on calcareous soils of a semiarid region, Iran, Journal
of Land Degradation & Development (In Press). DOI: 10.1002/ldr.1081.
13. Ghadiri, H., Hussein, J., and. Rose, C.W.
2011. Effect of pasture buffer length and pasture type on runoff water quality
following prescribed burning in the Wivenhoe Catchment. Soil Research 49: 1-10.
14. Asadi, H., Mousavi, M., Ghadiri, H. and
Rose, C.W. 2011. Flow-driven soil erosion processes and the size selectivity of
sediment. The Journal of Hydrology 406: 73-81.
15. Ghadiri, H. Sanjari, G. Yu, B. and
Ciesiolka, C. 2010. Sediment and pollutant transport from grazing lands of
Australia. Advances in GeoEcology 41: 118-129.
16. Burton, J. Chen, C. Xu, Z and Ghadiri, H.
2010. Soil microbial biomass, activity and community composition in adjacent
native and plantation forests of subtropical. Journal of Soils and Sediments
10: 1267-1277.
17. Ghadiri, H., Sanjari, G, Yu, B. and Ciesiolka, C. (2010). Sediment and pollutant
transport from grazing lands of Australia, In: Zelatic (Ed.) Global
changes-Challenges fro Soil Management: Advances in GeoEcology 41: 119-128.
18. Sanjari, G, Yu, B. Ghadiri, H. Ciesiolka,
C.A.A ,and Calvin W. Rose. 2009. Effects of time-controlled grazing on runoff
and sediment loss. Australian Journal of Soil Research 47: 1-13.
19. Hussein, J., H. Ghadiri, J. Lutton, M.
Smolders. 2008. "The effect of flow impedance on deposition of
Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts with or without a buffer strip." Soil
Biology and Biochemistry 40(10): 2696-2698.
20. Sanjari, G,
Ghadiri, H. Ciesiolka, C. and Yu, B. 2008. Comparing the effects of two
grazing management systems on soil characteristics in Southeast Queensland.
Australian Journal of Soil Research 46(4): 348-358.
21. Asadi, H., Rouhipour, H. Rafahi, Gh., and
Ghadiri, H. 2008. Testing a mechanistic soil erosion model for three selected
soil types from Iran. J. Agric. Sci. Technol. 10: 79-91.
22. Asadi, H., Rouhipour, H. Refahi, Gh. And
Ghadiri, H. 2008. Interrill erosion and evaluating of several equations using
rainfall simulation in the laboratory. Iranian Journal of Agricultural Sciences
37(5): 775-784.
23. Asadi, H., Rouhipour, H. and Ghadiri, H.
2008. Evaluation of interrill component of WEPP model for three contrasting
soil types. Advances in GeoEcology 39: 237-246.
24. Hussein, J., Ghadiri, H., B. Yu and C.W.
Rose 2007. Sediment retention by a stiff grass hedge under sub-critical flow
condition. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 71(5): 1516-1523.
25. Asadi, H. Ghadiri, H., Rose C., Yu, B. and
Hussein, J. 2007. An investigation of flow-driven soil erosion processes at low
stream powers. Journal of Hydrology 342: 134-142.
26. Ghadiri, H., Hussein, J. and C.W. Rose
2007. A study of the interactions between salinity, soil erosion, and pollutant
transport on three Queensland soils. Australian Journal of Soil Research Volume
45: 404-413.
27. Burton, J., Chen, C., Xu, Z. and Ghadiri,
H. 2007. Soluble organic nitrogen pools in adjacent native and plantation
forests of subtropical Australia. Journal of Soil Biology and Biochemistry 39:
28. Asadi, H. Ghadiri, H., Rose C. and Hussein,
J. 2007. An investigation of flow-driven soil erosion processes at low
streampowers. Journal of Hydrology 342: 134-142.
29. Hussein, J., Ghadiri, H., B. Yu and C.W.
Rose 2007. Sediment retention by Vetiver buffer strips at sub-critical surface
flow condition. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 71(5): 1516-1523.
30. Asadi, H., Ghadiri, H., Rouhipour, H. and
Rose, C.W. 2007. Interrill Soil Erosion Processes and their Interaction on Low
Slopes. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 32: 711-724.
31. Rose, C.W., Yu, B., Ghadiri, H., Asadi, H.,
Parlange, J.Y., Hogarth, W.L. and Hussein, J. 2007. Dynamic erosion of soil in
steady sheet flow. Journal of Hydrology 333: 449-458.
32. Burton, J., Chen, C., Xu, Z. and Ghadiri,
H. 2007. Gross nitrogen transformations in adjacent native and plantation
forests of subtropical Australia. Journal of Soil Biology and Biochemistry 39:
33. Hussein, J., Yu, B., Ghadiri. H. and Rose,
C. 2007. Prediction of surface flow hydrology and sediment retention upslope of
a Vetiver buffer strip. Journal of Hydrology 338: 261-272.
34. Ghadiri, H., I. Dordipour, M. Bybordi and
M. J. Malakouti. 2006. Potential use of the Caspian Sea water for supplementary
irrigation in northern Iran. Journal of Agricultural Water Management, 79:
35. Rouhipour, H, Ghadiri, H. and Rose C.W.
2006. Investigation of the interaction between flow-driven and rainfall-driven
erosion processes. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 44(5): 503-514.
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