
Dr. Josue Pacheco

Ana G. Mendez University

Gurabo Campus, Puerto Rico

Assistant Professor



2022 Ph.D., Open Brazil University, Brazil

2017 M.Sc., University of Malaga, Spain

2007 EdD., Interamerican University of Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico

1992 MSN., University of Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico

1987 BSN., University of Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico

Publications (Selected)

  1. Pacheco Castillo, J. (2021). Emerging competencies that every nursing professional should have: Cultural diversity in LGBTQI+ people and families. Impulse Journal, December, XLVI (4), 24-34. (Revista Impulso, spanish article).
  2. Ramos Crespo, M. and Pacheco Castillo, J. (2021). Level of knowledge, skills, and attitudes of the health professional Nursing that offers care to the elderly population in geriatric centers in the northwestern area of Puerto Rico. Impulse Journal, March, XLVI (1), 17-24. (Revista Impulso, spanish article).
  3. Medrano de Manzano, S.E. and Pacheco Castillo, J. (2021). Skills for life in the curriculum and practice of Initial and Nursery Education. Central American Journals Online, 8. doi:
  4. Pacheco-Castillo, J., Casuso-Holgado, M., Labajos-Manzanares, M. and Moreno-Morales, N. (2021) Academic Stress among Nursing Students in a Private University at Puerto Rico, and Its Association with Their Academic Performance. Open Journal of Nursing, 11, 742-756. doi: 10.4236/ojn.2021.119063.
  5. Carrasquillo, E., Pacheco, J., & Diaz, D. (2019). Gender identity as cultural competence. Impulse Journal, September, XLIV (2), 22-28. (Revista Impulso, spanish article).
  6. Pacheco, J. (2019). Complementary and alternative therapies in nursing: trends and problems. Impulse Journal, June, XLIV (2), 28-36. (Revista Impulso, spanish article).
  7. Pacheco, J. (2018). Use of nursing theories in clinical scenarios. Impulse Journal, September, XLIII (3), 17-23. (Revista Impulso, spanish article).
  8. Pacheco, J. (2018). Factors that affect the retention of nursing students in a private university in Puerto Rico. Impulse Journal, March, XLIII (1), 12-19. (Revista Impulso, spanish article).
  9. Pacheco, J. (2017). Use of humor in nursing education and its relationship with student academic achievement. Impulse Journal, September, XLII (3), 14-19. (Revista Impulso, spanish article)
  10. Pacheco, J. (2016). Relationship between attitude toward mathematics and mastery of this subject in first-year students from the nursing department of a private university in Puerto Rico. Impulse Journal, September, XLI (3), 26-32. (Revista Impulso, spanish article).
  11. Pacheco, J. (2016). Effects of family stress on the organizational behavior of nursing professionals. Impulse Journal, March, XLI (1), 9-16. (Revista Impulso, spanish article)
  12. Pacheco, J. (2016). Integrative medicine and nursing. Dewey News Magazine. (Special edition), section 07.
  13. Pacheco, J. (2015). Predictive value of organizational behaviors related to nursing professional turnover in Puerto Rico. Impulse Journal, March, XXXIX (1), 7-14. (Revista Impulso, spanish article).
  14. Pacheco, J. (2014). Strategies used by nursing professors to foster their students' creativity in an associate and baccalaureate degree program in nursing. Impulse Journal, March, XXXIX (1), 8-16. (Revista Impulso, spanish article)
  15. Pacheco, J. (2013). The Rotation (turnover) of the Nursing Professional in Puerto Rico: a literature review from a Puerto Rican perspective. Impulse Journal, June, XXXVIII (2), 22-31. (Revista Impulso, spanish article)

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