Associate Prof. Dr. Seong Nam Hwang
Southeast Missouri State University, USA
2003 Ph.D., Texas A&M University,
College Station, Texas, Urban and Regional Science
1999 M.A., Texas A&M University,
College Station, Texas, Urban Planning
Publications (Selected)
S. N., & Meier, K. (Accepted and to be published in October 2022). Associations
between wildfire risk and socio-economic-demographic characteristics using GIS
technology. Journal of Geographic Information System.
S. N., & Kannegalla, V. S. (2021). Relationships between potential risk of
hazardous material releases and socio-economic demographic characteristics
using geospatial analysis. Journal of
Geoscience and Environment Protection, 9(7), 62-85.
Shen, G., & Hwang, S. N. (2019). Spatial–Temporal
snapshots of global natural disaster impacts Revealed from EM-DAT for
1900-2015. Geomatics, Natural Hazards
and Risk, 10(1),
Shen, G., & Hwang, S. N. (2018). Revealing global hot spots of technological
disasters: 1900–2013. Journal of
Risk Research, 21(3), 361-393. Published online: 07 Jun 2016.
Hwang, S. N. (2017) The
effect of land cover change on flooding in Texas. Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection, 5, 123-137.
Hwang, S. N. & Lee, S.
W. (2017) Does environmental risk affect human migration behavior? Journal of Geographic Information System,
9 (04), 493.
Shen, G. A., & Hwang, S. N. (2015) A spatial risk analysis of tornado-induced
human injuries and fatalities in the U.S. Natural Hazards, 77(2), 1223-1242.
Cho, C., & Hwang,
S. N. (2013). Realization strategy of convergence GIS based on spatial
hierarchy. Journal of Korea Spatial
Information Society, October 2013.
Kim, S., & Hwang, S. N. (2011). A study on the annexation between natural disaster
law and emergency management law. Journal
of Legal Collection of Treatises, December 2011.
Hwang, S. N. (2011). Analysis on public risk
perception and environmental risk.
Journal of Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation, August 2011.
Hwang, S. N., & Cho, C. (2011). A study on
relationships between environmental risk and demographic characteristics using
GIS. Journal of Korea Spatial
Information Society, August 2011.
Zhang, Y., Hwang,
S. N., & Lindell M. K. (2010). Hazard proximity or risk perception?
Evaluating the effects of natural and technological hazards on housing values. Environment and Behavior, Volume 42, September 2010:
Lindell, M. K., & Hwang, S. N. (2008). Households' risk perceptions and responses in
a multi-hazard environment. Risk
Analysis, Volume 28, April 2008: 539–556.
Hwang, S. N. (2007). Effect of flood hazard
mitigation measures in the United States: Comparing structural mitigation and
land use management. Journal of Korea
Planners Association, Volume 42, February 2007: 221-235.
Lindell, M. K., Sanderson, W. G., & Hwang, S. N. (2002). Local government
agencies’ use of hazard analysis information. International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disaster, Volume
20, March 2002: 29-39.
Hwang, S. N., Sanderson, W. G., &
Lindell, M. K. (2001). Analysis of state emergency management agencies’ hazard
analysis information on the Internet. International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters, Volume 19,
March 2001: 85-106.