
Prof. Md. Abdullahil Baque

Department of Agronomy

Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Bangladesh



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2011 Ph.D. in Agriculture (Major in Horticulture), Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, South Korea

2003 Master of Science (MS) in Agronomy, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University (BSMRAU), Salna, Gazipur 1703, Bangladesh.


Publications: Total 70 (48 full length paper, 2 patents, 15 abstract and 5 books)

List of Books: 05

  1. Baque MA, Kulsum U, Shiragi MHK (2012) Response of Blackgram (Vigna mungo L.) to Nitrogen Fertilization: Role of Nitrogen on canopy structure, light interception, leaf chlorophyll content, nutrient uptake and grain yield. LAMBERT Academic Publishing, ISBN-13: 978-3-659-30507-8.
  2. Baque MA, HN Murthy, KY Paek (2014) Adventitious Root Culture of Morinda citrifolia in bioreactors for the production of bioactive compounds. Springer Dordrecht, Heidelberg New York, London, ISBN 978-94-017-9223-3. pp. 168-185.
  3. Baque MA, Shiragi MHK (2012) Bioactive compound production by adventitious root culture of Noni: Induction mechanism and standardization of physic-chemical factors. LAMBERT Academic Publishing, ISBN-13: 987-3-659-29774-8.
  4. Baque MA, Shiragi MHK, Zhiwei L (2012) Production of secondary metabolites from PLBs of Dendrobium candidum: The Standardization of Culture Condition for Efficient Induction of Secondary Metabolites. LAMBERT Academic Publishing, ISBN-13: 978-3659293771.
  5. Shiragi MHK, Baque MA (2012) A useful tactic of banana virus eradication from infected plant: The Standardization of Meristem Culture for banana Virus Eradication. LAMBERT Academic Publishing, ISBN-13: 978-3659200410.


Journal articles: 46

International Journals:

  1. Razia, Sultana & Ali, Md Hazrat & Baque, Md. Abdullahil & Aziz, Kazi & Sourav, Tanvir Ahmad & Masum, Sheikh. (2024). GROWTH AND YIELD OF RAPESEED (Brassica campestris) AS AFFECTED BY SULFUR AND BORON FERTILIZER. 15. 111-124.
  2. Amin, A.K.M. & Baque, Md. Abdullahil. (2021). Influence of Organic Manures on Drought Stress at Different Growth Stages of Wheat. Bangladesh Agronomy Journal. 23. 81-86. 10.3329/baj.v23i2.52455.
  3. Amin, A.K.M. & Baque, Md. Abdullahil & Afrose, Tanjila. (2020). INFLUENCE OF NITROGEN AND SULPHUR ON GROWTH, YIELD AND OIL CONTENT OF SUNFLOWER (Helianthus annus L.). 2070-3358.
  4. Imtiaz, Abdullah & Shahriar, Saleh & Baque, Md. Abdullahil & Eaty, Khatun & Falguni, Maliha. (2020). Screening of Mungbean Genotypes under Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) Induced Drought Stress Condition. Annual Research & Review in Biology. 1-12. 10.9734/ARRB/2020/v35i230184.
  5. Rahman, Lutfor & Rahman, Mahfuzar & Hasan, Mahmudul & Habib, Ahsan & Rahman, Motiur & Baque, Md. Abdullahil. (2019). Quality assessment of pea (Pisum sativum L.) seeds using the controlled deterioration technique. Trends in Horticulture. 2. 46. 10.24294/th.v2i1.718.
  6. Baque MA, Faijunnahar M, Habib MA, Motmainna M (2018). PEG Induced Germination, Seedling Growth and Water Relation Behavior of Wheat Genotypes under Salt Stress Condition. Universal Journal of Plant Science. 6(3): 21-31.
  7. Baque MA, Rahman ML, Rahman MM, Hasan MM, Habib MA, Rahman M (2018). Quality Assesment of Pea (Pisum sativum L.) Seeds using the Controlled Deterioration Technique. Trends in Horticulture. 1: doi: 10.24294/th.v1i2.718.
  8. Hasan MM, Baque MA, Habib MA, Yeasmin M, Hakim MA (2017). Screening of Salt Tolerance Capability of Wheat Genotypes under Salt Stress Condition. Universal Journal of Agricultural Research. 5(4): 235-249.
  9. Faijunnahar M, Baque MA, Habib MA, Rahman MM, Rahman ML. (2017). Induction of Salt Tolerance: Optimization of Pre-Sowing Priming Time on the Germination, Seedling Growth and Water Relation Behavior of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Genotypes. World Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 13 (6): 237-246. DOI: 10.5829/idosi.wjas.2017.237.246.
  10. Faijunnahar M, Baque MA, Habib MA, Hossain HMM. (2017). Polyethylene Glycole (PEG) Induced Changes in Germination, Seedling Growth and Water Relation Behavior of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Genotypes. Universal Journal of Plant Science. 5(4): 49-57.
  11. Chowdhury MS, Motmainna M, Rahman MM, Habib MA, Baque MA. (2017). Yield response of wheat as affected by irrigation and potassium fertilizer. J. Expt. Biosci. 8(1):49 -58.
  12. Motmainna M, Baque MA, Rahman MM, Chowdhury MS, Maruf SA. (2017). Yield response of wheat to the application of lime and phosphorous. J. Expt. Biosci. 8(2):1-10.
  13. Nahar M, Yeasmin M, Baque MA, Quamruzzaman M, Rahman A, Azad MJ, Biswas PK. (2016). Induction of Drought Tolerance: Optimization of Pre-Sowing Priming Time on the Germination Behavior of BARI Gom 27 (Triticum aestivum L.). American-Eurasian J. Agric. & Environ. Sci. 16(5): 1025-1029.
  14. Baque MA, Nahar M, Yeasmin M, Quamruzzaman M, Rahman A, Azad MJ, Biswas PK. (2016). Germination Behavior of BARI Gom 27 (Triticum aestivum L.) as Influenced by PEG-Induced Drought Stress. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research. 24(6): 1941-1948.
  15. Baque MA, Nahar M, Yeasmin M, Quamruzzaman M, Rahman A, Azad MJ, Biswas PK. (2016). Germination Behavior of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) as Influenced by Polyethylene Glycol (PEG). Universal Journal of Agricultural Research. 4(3): 86-91.
  16. Ahsan MR, Islam MZ, Rahman MM, Baque MA. (2016). Integrated Use of Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria, Bradyrhizobium and P on Growth and Yield by Soybean. Int. J. Bus. Soc. Sci. Res. 5(1): 79-84.
  17. Rahman MA, Baque MA, Rahman MM, Quamruzzaman M. (2016). Growth and Yield of Transplant Aman Rice as Affected by Different Levels of Urea Super Granules and Depth of Placement. American-Eurasian J. Agric. & Environ. Sci. 16 (6): 1103-1116. DOI: 10. 5829 / idosi. aejaes. 2016. 16. 6.12973.
  18. Islam MM, Bashar MA, Akhter N, Afroj M, Rahman M, Rahman MM, Baque MA. (2016). Participatory Evaluation of Wheat Genotypes under Different Tillage Practice in Dinajpur, Bangladesh. J. Biosci. Agric. Res. 10(01): 866-870.
  19. Amin MA, Bashar MA, Akhter N, Afroj M, Islam MZ, Rahman MM, Baque MA. (2016). Constraints Faced by the Farmers in IPM Practices in Rice Cultivation. Journal of Science, Technology and Environment Informatics. 04(01): 245-250.
  20. Islam KA, Bashar MA, Akhter N, Mia MAT, Afroj M, Rahman MM, Baque MA. (2016). Diffusion of Agricultural Innovation through Opinion Leadership. Int. J. Bus. Manag. Soc. Res. 02(02): 125-131.
  21. Islam MZ, Ahsan MR, Afroj M, Rahman MM, Baque MA. (2016). Participation of Rural Women in Goat Rearing. Bangladesh Res. Pub. J. 12(2): 117-126.
  22. Adan MJ, Baque MA, Rahman MM, Islam MR, Jahan A. (2015). Formulation of Trichoderma Based Biopesticide for Controlling Damping off Pathogen of Eggplant Seedling. Universal Journal of Agricultural Research. 3(3): 106-113. DOI: 10.13189/ujar. 2015.030305.
  23. Rahman A, Baque MA , Rahman M, Quamruzzaman M. 2016. Growth and yield of transplanted Aman rice as affected by different levels of Urea Super Granules and depth of placement. American-Eurasian J. Agric & Environ. Sci 16(6): 1103-1116.
  24. Roy TS, Baque MA, Chakraborty R, Haque MN, Suter P. 2015. Yield and Economic Return of seedling tuber derived from true potato seed as influenced by tuber size and plant spacing. Universal Journal of Agricultural Research 3(1): 23-30
  25. Baque MA, Shiragi MHK, Moh SH, Lee EJ, Paek KY. 2013. Production of biomass and bioactive compounds by adventitious root suspension cultures of Morinda citrifolia (L.) in liquid phase airlift balloon type bioreactor. In vitro Cell Dev Biol Plant (Impact factor 1.64). 49: 737-749.
  26. Baque MA, Shiragi MHK, Moh SH, Lee EJ, Paek KY. 2013. Pharmaceuticals from In Vitro Plant Cultures: Anthraquinones, Phenolics and Flavonoids. Agricell Reports 61(6): 41-48
  27. Baque MA, Sang-Hyun Moh, Lee EJ, Zhong JJ, Paek KY. 2012. Production of Biomass and Useful compounds from Adventitious Roots of High-value Added Medicinal Plants using Bioreactor. Biotechnology Advances (Impact factor 11.85). 30: 1255-1267
  28. Sivakumar G, Bolivar FM, Lay Jr JO, Dolan MC, Condori J, Grubbs SK, Wright SM, Baque MA, Lee EJ, Paek KY. 2011. Bioprocess and Bioreactor: Next Generation Technology for Production of Potential Plant-based Antidiabetic and Antioxidant Molecules. Current Medicinal Chemistry (Impact factor 4.84) 18: 79-90.
  29. M.A. Baque, M.H.K. Shiragi, E.J. Lee and K.Y. Paek (2012), Elicitor Effect of Chitosan and Pectin on the Biosynthesis of Anthraquinones, Phenolics and Flavonoids in Adventitious Root Suspension Cultures of Morinda citrifolia (L.), Australian Journal of Crop Science (Impact factor 1.63). 6(9):1349-1355 (2012).
  30. Baque MA, Lee EJ, Paek KY. 2012. Sucrose regulated enhanced induction of anthraquinone, phenolics, flavonoids biosynthesis and activities of antioxidant enzymes in adventitious root suspension cultures of Morinda citrifolia (L.). Acta Physiologae Plantarum (Impact factor 1.64). 34: 405-415.
  31. Shin YK, Baque MA, Lee EJ, Paek KY. 2011. Effects of Activated Charcoal, Plant Growth Regulators and Ultrasonic Pre-treatments on In Vitro Germination and Protocorm Formation of Calanthe Hybrids. Australian Journal of Crop Science (Impact factor 1.69) 5: 582-588.
  32. Baque MA, Shin YK, Lee EJ, Paek KY. 2011. Effect of light Quality, sucrose and coconut water concentration on the microporpagation of Calanthe hybrids (Bukduseong’ × ‘Hyesungand Chunkwang’ × ‘Hyesung). Australian Journal of Crop Science (Impact factor 1.69) 5 (10): 1247-1254
  33. Shin YK, Baque MA, Lee EJ, Paek KY. 2011. Advances in regeneration and micropropagation: factors in orchid In vitro asymbiotic seed germination and protocorm formation. (news letter) Agricell Report 57(1): 1-8
  34. Baque MA, Lee EJ, Paek KY. 2010. Medium salt strength induced changes in growth, physiology and secondary metabolite content in adventitious roots of Morinda citrifolia: the role of antioxidant enzymes and phenylalanine ammonia lyase. Plant Cell Reports (Impact factor 2.29) 29:685694
  35. Baque MA, Hahn EJ, Paek KY. 2010. Induction mechanism of adventitious root from leaf explants of Morinda citrifolia as affected by auxin and light quality. In Vitro Cellular Development and BiologyPlant (Impact factor 1.5) 46:7180
  36. Baque MA, Hahn EJ, Paek KY. 2010. Growth, secondary metabolite production and antioxidant enzyme response of Morinda citrifolia adventitious root as affected by auxin and cytokinin. Plant Biotechnology Reports (Impact factor 1.19) 4:109116
  37. Shiragi MHK, Baque MA, Nasiruddin KM. 2010. Eradication of Banana Bunchy Top Virus (BBTV) Through Meristem Culture of Infected Plant Banana cv. Sabri. Horticulture Environment and Biotechnology (Impact factor 0.34) 51:212-221
  38. Youngse J, Baque MA, Shiragi MHK, Moh SH, Lee EJ, Paek KY. 2013. CO2-enriched microenvironment induces biosynthesis of anthraquinones, phenolics and flavonoids in bioreactor cell suspension cultures of Morinda citrifolia (L.): the role of antioxidants and enzymes. Australian Journal of Crop Science (Impact factor 1.69) 7(11): 1606-1616.
  39. Cui HY, Baque MA, Lee EJ, Paek KY. 2012. Scale-up of adventitious root cultures of Echinacea angustifolia in a pilot-scale bioreactor for the production of biomass and caffeic acid derivatives. Plant Biotechnology Reports (Impact factor 1.19) (DOI 10.1007/s11816-012-0263-y): 7: 297-308
  40. Wu RZ, Baque MA, Paek KY. 2010. Establishment of Large-scale Micropropagation System of Anoectochilus formosanus in Bioreactors. Proc. 1st Intl Orchid Symposium, Taiwan, International Society of Horticultural Science (ISHS). Acta Horticulturae 878: 167: 173
  41. Kulsum MU, Baque MA, Akter A, Shiragi MHK, Karim MA. 2007. Effects of different N levels on the dry matter production, canopy structure and light transmission of Blackgram. Asian J Plant Science 6(7): 1044-1050
  42. Kulsum MU, Baque MA, Karim MA. 2007. Effects of different N levels on the morphology and yield of Blackgram. J Agronomy 6(1): 125-130
  43. Kulsum MU, Baque MA, Karim MA. 2007. Effects of different N Levels on the Leaf chlorophyll, nutrient concentration and nutrient uptake pattern of Blackgram. J Biological Science 10(2): 250-254
  44. Ullah MJ, Hossain HMMT, Baque MA. 2006. Yield Response of Bushbean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) to Doses of Fertilizers and Sowing Times in Bangladesh. Korean J Crop Science 51(6): 491-496
  45. Shiragi MHK, Baque MA and Nasiruddin KM. 2006. Eradication of Banana Bunchy Top Virus (BBTV) and Banana Mosaic Virus (BMV) from Infected Plant of Banana cv. Amritasager through Meristem Culture. J South Pacific Studies. 29(1): 17-41
  46. Baque MA, Karim MA, Hamid A, Hidaka T. 2006. Effects of Fertilizer Potassium on Growth, Yield and Nutrient Uptake of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under Water Stress Conditions. J South Pacific Studies 27 (1):25-35


Paper published in the National Journal

  1. Shiragi MHK, Baque MA, Nasiruddin KM, Uddin FM. 2010. Effect of Variety and Plant Growth Regulators in MS Medium on the Response of Multiple Shoot and Root Proliferation from Virus Infected Banana Plants. J Asiatic Society of Bangladesh science 36 (1): 55- 65
  2. Islam A, Shiragi MHK, Baque MA, Rahman MS, Khanam T. 2009. Arsenic Contamination in Food chain due to Arsenic Contaminated Ground Water Irrigation. International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Technology 5 (9): 40- 45
  3. Baque MA, Islam MO, Shiragi MHK, Hossain HMMT. 2007. Effect of Seed Rate and Time of Harvest on Yield and Quality of Wheat Seed. . International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Technology 3 (3): 58- 64
  4. Miah MAB, Rahman MM, Hoque MM, Baque MA. 2006. Effect of storage relative humidity on germination and vigor of soybean seed. International J Eng Technol 3 (1): 17-24
  5. Arifin MS, Baque MA, Islam SMAS, Hossain MM, Karim AJMS. 2005. Influence of NPK and cowdung on the yield performance of IPSA seam-3. International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Technology 1 (6): 69-75
  6. Baque MA. 2003. Influence of potassium on stomatal response and gas exchange characteristics of Triticum aestivum L. under different soil moisture regimes. Progressive Agriculture 14: 53-56
  7. Baque MA, Karim MA, Hamid A. 2002. Role of potassium on water relation behavior of Triticum aestivum L. under water stress conditions. Progressive Agriculture 13: 71-75


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