
Prof. Joon-Yong Kim

PMG & PPMI Co. Ltd, South Korea


Soonchunhyang University School of Medicine, South Korea

Clinical Professor



2004 Ph.D., Graduate School The Catholic University, South Korea

2001 M.D., Graduate School The Catholic University, South Korea

1997 B.A., Soonchunhyang College Of Medicine, South Korea

Publications (Selected)

  1. The clinical results of phalloplasty using xenografts, 29th annual EAU congress, Stockholm 11-15 April 2014.
  2. Penile augmentation surgery using xenogenic graft and histologic findings of clinical tests, Journal of Urology (189. Issue 4 Supple, page e7), 2013.
  3. The relation of the constrictive band to the penile circumference 2. The relation of circumcision to distal penile sensitivity, Journal of Andrology (1.2.73, 97), 2013.
  4. Phalloplasty surgery by allogenic dermal fillers, Journal of Sexual Medicine (9. S4. 295), 2012.
  5. Clinical effectiveness of penile venous surgery in erection, Journal of Sexual Medicine (9. S4. 283), 2012.
  6. Multi-Slit and Multi-Piece Technique: Surgical Techniques for the Allografts in Penile Augmentation Surgery, 15th Congress of the European Society for Sexual Medicine, Dec. 2012.
  7. Clinical results of penile reaugmentation using xenograft, Journal of Sexual Medicine (8. S3. 168-169), 2011.
  8. Clinical evaulation of the lifelong premature ejaculation that ejaculates less than one-minute intravaginal ejaculation latency time, Journal of Sexual Medicine (8. S3. 168-169), 2011.
  9. Clinical characteristics of the patients who have severe lifelong premature ejaculation that always occurs before or within 10 seconds of the beginning of intercourse, Journal of Sexual Medicine (7. S4. 192-193,210), 2010.
  10. Effect of the Long-Acting Parenteral Testosterone Undecanoate in Erectile Dysfunction, Journal of Men's Health (6, 3, 269), 2009.
  11. Penile venous surgery in erectile dysfunction, 9th International Congress of Andrololgy, 7-10 March 2009.
  12. New penile augmentation surgery technique of injecting allogenic acellular dermal tissue into subcutaneous tissue, 2nd European Congress on the Aging Male, Sept 3-4, 2009.
  13. Partial penile augmentation surgery with multiple puncture sling method, Journal of Andrology (March-April, 59), 2009.
  14. Clinical efficiency of modified venous stripping and ligation surgery in erectile dysfunction patients who were refractory to medical treatment, Journal of Andrology, March-April 56 2008.
  15. Clinical safety, histologic findings and surgical methods in complex phalloplasty using type I collagen, Journal of Urology (177.4.314 ), 2007.
  16. Clinical safety and histologic findings in phallopplasty using acellualr heterogenous collagen matrix, Xenotransplantation (14, 5, 464), 2007.
  17. Clinical safety and effectiveness of penile reaugmentation, Annual European Association of Urology Congress, April 2006.
  18. Clinical results of phalloplasty using xenograft, Journal of Sexual Medicine (3. S5. 449), 2006.
  19. Ureteroscopic Stone Removal: Efficacy, Safety and Skilled Experience of the Surgeon, Korean Journal of Urology, Vol.42 No.8, p795-799, 2001.
  20. Expression and Distribution of Aquaporin-2, -3 and -4 in Developing Rat Kidney, Korean Journal of Urology, Vol.42 No.10, p1116-1124, 2001.
  21. Safety, Efficacy and Skilled Experience = Transurethral Prostatectomy in the 1990s, Ewha medical journal, Vol.24 No.2, p 83-89, 2001.
  22. Quality of Life in Different Type of Urinary Diversion after Radical Cystectomy, Ewha medical journal, Vol.24 No.2, p71-81, 2001.
  23. 255 Cases of Ureteroscopic Stone Removal, Ewha medical journal, Vol.23 No.1, p15-19. 2000.

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