
Paolo Riva

Department of Psychology,

University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy



2011 Ph.D., University of Milano-Bicocca, Social Psychology

2006 M.S., University of Milano-Bicocca, Psychology

Publications (selected)

  1. De Panfilis, C., Riva, P., Preti, E., Cabrino, C., & Marchesi, C. (in press). When social inclusion is not enough: Implicit expectations of extreme inclusion in Borderline Personality Disorder. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment.
  2. Riva, P., Romero Lauro, L. J., DeWall, C. N., Chester, D. & Bushman, B. J. (in press). Reducing Aggressive Responses to Social Exclusion Using Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience.
  3. Riva, P., Brambilla, M., & Vaes, J. (in press). Bad Guys Suffer Less (Social Pain): Moral Status Influences Judgments of Others’ Social Suffering. British Journal of Social Psychology.
  4. Riva, P., Romero Lauro, L. J., Vergallito, A., DeWall, C. N., & Bushman, B. J. (2015). Electrified Emotions: Modulatory Effects of Transcranial Direct Stimulation on Negative Emotional Reactions to Social Exclusion. Social Neuroscience, 10, 46-54.
  5. Rule, N. O., Tskhay, K. O., Brambilla, M., Riva, P., Andrzejewski, S. A., & Krendl, A. C. (2015). The relationship between anti-gay prejudice and the categorization of sexual orientation. Personality and Individual Differences, 77, 74-80.
  6. Anderson, C. A., Andrighetto, L., Bartholow, B. D., Begue, L., Boxer, P., Brockmyer, J. F., Riva, P., Strasburger, V. C., Volpato, C., Warburton, W. (in press). Consensus on Media Violence Effects: Comment on Bushman, Gollwitzer, and Cruz. Psychology of Popular Media Culture.
  7. Riva, P., Wesselman, E. D., Wirth, J. H., Carter-Sowell, A. R., Williams, K. D. (2014). When Pain Does Not Heal: The Common Antecedents and Consequences of Chronic Social and Physical Pain. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 36, 329-346.
  8. Riva, P., Williams, K. D., & Gallucci, M. (2014). The Relationship between Fear of Social and Physical Threat and their Effects on Social Distress and Physical Pain Perception. PAIN, 155, 485-93.
  9. Riva, P., Williams, K. D., Torstrick, A., & Montali, L. (2014). Orders to Shoot (a camera): Effects of Ostracism on Obedience. Journal of Social Psychology, 154, 208-216.
  10. Sacchi, S., Riva, P., Brambilla, M., & Grasso, M. (2014). Moral Reasoning and Climate Change Mitigation: The Deontological Reaction Towards the Market-Based Approach. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 38, 252-261.
  11. Gabbiadini, A., Riva, P., Andrighetto, L., Volpato, C., & Bushman, B. J. (2014). Interactive Effect of Moral Disengagement and Violent Video Games on Self-control, Cheating and Aggression. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 5, 450-457.
  12. Brambilla, M., Riva, P., & Rule, N. (2013). Familiarity Increases the Accuracy of Categorizing Male Sexual Orientation. Personality and Individual Differences, 55, 193-195.
  13. Sacchi, S., Riva, P., & Brambilla, M. (2013). When Mother Earth Rises Up: Nature Anthropomorphization Reduces Support for Natural Disaster Victims. Social Psychology, 44, 271-277.
  14. Montali, L., Riva, P., Frigerio, A., & Mele, S. (2013). The representation of immigrants in the Italian press: A study on the Corriere della Sera (1992-2009). Journal of Language and Politics, 12, 226-250.
  15. Riva, P. & Andrighetto, L. (2012). “Everybody Feels a Broken Bone, But Only We Can Feel a Broken Heart”: Group Membership Influences the Perception of Targets’ Suffering. European Journal of Social Psychology, 42, 801-806.
  16. Riva, P., Romero Lauro, L. J., DeWall, C. N., & Bushman, B. J. (2012). Buffer the Pain Away: Stimulating the Right Ventrolateral Prefrontal Cortex Reduces Pain Following Social Exclusion. Psychological Science, 23, 1473-1475.
  17. Sacchi, S., Riva, P., & Brambilla, M. (2012). When Mother Earth Rises Up: Nature Anthropomorphization Reduces Support for Natural Disaster Victims. Social Psychology.
  18. Montali, L., Riva, P., Frigerio, A., & Mele, S. (in press). The representation of immigrants in the Italian press: A study on the Corriere della Sera (1992-2009). Journal of Language and Politics.
  19. Riva, P., Wirth, J., & Williams, K.D. (2011). The consequences of pain: The social and physical pain overlap on psychological responses. European Journal of Social Psychology, 41, 681-687.
  20. Riva, P., Sacchi, S., Montali, L. & Frigerio, A. (2011). Gender effects in pain detection: Speed and accuracy in decoding female and male pain expressions. European Journal of Pain, 15, 985.e1-985.e11.
  21. Riva, P., Rusconi, P., Montali, L. & Cherubini, P. (2011). The influence of anchoring on pain judgment. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 42, 265-277.
  22. Montali, L., Colombo, M., Riva, P., & Cipriani., R. (2011). Conflicting representations of pain: A qualitative analysis of healthcare professionals’ discourse. Pain Medicine, 12, 1585-1593.
  23. Montali, L., Frigerio, A., Riva, P., Invernizzi, P. (2011). “It’s as if PBC didn’t exist”: The illness experience of women affected by Primary Biliary Cirrhosis (PBC). Psychology and Health, 26, 1429-1445.
  24. Rusconi, P., Riva, P., Montali, L, Cherubini, P. (2010). Taking into account the observers’ uncertainty: A graduated approach to the credibility of the patient’s pain evaluation. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 33, 60-71.
  25. Montali, L., Tanaka, A., Riva, P., et al. (2010). A short version of a HRQoL questionnaire for Italian and Japanese patients with PBC. Digestive and Liver Disease, 42, 718–723.
  26. Montali, L., Colombo, M., & Riva, P. (2008). Teorie e pratiche nella gestione del dolore: una ricerca sulle rappresentazioni degli operatori. [Theories and practices in pain management: a research on doctors’ representations] 1, 33-56. Psicologia della Salute, 1, 33-56.
  27. Riva, P. (2008). Climate of opinion. Come studiamo la percezione dei cambiamenti climatici. [Climate of opinion. How we study the perception of climate change] Equilibri, XII, n. 2, pp. 263-270.
  28. Montali, L., & Riva, P. (2007). Rappresentazioni sociali a confronto nel dibattito italiano sulla fecondazione assistita in Italia in occasione del referendum. [Comparing social representations on assisted reproduction of the Italian referendum debate] Studi Zancan, 2, 145-164.

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