
Prof. Lewis A. Kirshner

Brockton VA Medical Center, USA






1965  M.D., Jefferson Medical College,

1961  B.A., Anthropology, Wesleyan University


Publications (Selected)

1.     Kirshner LA. Le concept d'intersubjectivite dans la psychanalyse americaine: histoire et tendances actuelles. (The concept of intersubjectvity in American Psychoanalysis: History and current tendancies). Revue Francaise de Psychanalyse, 2/2009: 519-533.

2.     Kirshner LA. Biopolitics and the Transformation of the Psychiatric Subject: in: A Foucault for the 21st Century, to appear Fall 2009, ed S. Binkley, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

3.     Kirshner LA. Figurations of the real, representation of trauma in a dream. The Amer. J. of Psychoanalysis, 2007; 67: 303-311.

4.     Kaës R. 2007. Linking, Alliances, and Shared Space: Groups and the Psychoanalyst, Foreword by Lewis A. Kirshner, London: IPA Press.

5.     Kirshner LA. Figuración de lo real como proceso intersubjectivo. (“Figuration of the real as an interpersonal process”) In Psiquiatria Y Sociedad: La Salud Mental frente al cambio social, Bogota: Universidad El Bosque. 2007: 295-306.

6.     Kirshner LA. Acercamiento Psicoanalítico al Trauma: Teoría y Prática Clinica. (“Psychoanalytic approaches to trauma, theory and clinical practice”) In Psiquiatria Y Sociedad. (op cit). 2007: 307-318.

7.     Kirshner LA. Intersubjective transmission: families, groups, and culture. The work of René Kaës. J. Amer. Psychoanal. Assoc., 2006; 54: 1005-1012.

8.     Kirshner LA. Discussion of paper, Nothing Could Be Further from the Truth, by M. Wilson, M.D., J. Amer. Psychoan. Assoc. 2006; 54: 425-428.

9.     Kirshner LA. Rethinking desire, J. Amer. Psychoan Assoc. 2005; 53: 83-103.

10.   Kirshner LA. Biopolitique et transformation du sujet psychiatrique. (“Biopolitics and the tyransformation of the psychiatric subject”) In: Furtos J and Laval C eds., La Santé Mentale en Actes: De la Clinique au Politique, Paris: Éditions érès, 2005: 301-311.

11.   Kirshner LA. 2004. Having a Life: Self Pathology after Lacan. Hillside, N.J. The Analytic Press.

12.   Kirshner LA. Kohut et La Science de L’Empathie (Kohut and the Science of Empathy), Revue Francaise de Psychanalyse; 3/2004: 801-809.


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